Jul 05, 2011 23:24
Japanese television officially annoys the shit out of me. For the past year they have had a marquee on the bottom part of the screen below the picture reminding viewers that on July 24th 2011, Japan will be switching from analog to digital broadcasting. The marquee made me twitch at first, but I got used to it. Now that it's the month for the switch, they've begun plastering a watermark OVER the picture in addition to the marquee to remind viewers. Look at your computer monitor. Now imagine 1/6th of the screen (the lower left, to be exact) taken up by a huge watermark. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Now it's difficult to follow along with variety shows that rely heavily on their emphasis subtitles for jokes. (>_<) I'm tempted to get rid of the TV altogether before the 24th, but it does provide a nice distraction when I don't want to do anything else.
My toe is still very painful. Yesterday Shaina helped set me up with a buddy wrap and that took so much pain away; at the same time it's now obvious to any curious bystander that I am indeed injured and not just limping for the hell of it. :D With as much as it hurt me last night, I'm really starting to think it is indeed broken, or at least fractured a little bit. I've stopped soaking it in my hot baths, because apparently that's NOT good for it (-_-); Lukewarm/cool water is best, my mom says, so that's what I've been doing. At least today and yesterday I was able to properly relax and stay off it as much as I could. Of course, that didn't stop me from attempting some non-laptop-related productivity. I put a lot of my clothes in the free stuff boxes and I've got another bag of room randomity ready to go as well. It kind of sucks living on the second floor when you can't get around, but my friends are helping me out a lot and I'm so grateful. What sucks is that this is one week I don't think I would have skipped class today or the day before (>_<) I'm pretty certain I will be going to Korean tomorrow, however, and if all goes well both of my classes on Thursday. Saturday is a trip to Gifu...I want to be well healed for that. The tape definitely helps.
I've started preliminary packing: folding up everything I won't be wearing for the next few weeks into air-tight bags and stuff them in the suitcases. I've also packed two more boxes that I want to ship off and will probably end up with a third unless I can miraculously fit all of my shoes in with my clothes. Who knows, maybe I can manage it after all? I'm incredibly optimistic in terms of packing and getting my things ready to go, especially considering that I've started almost an entire month before I actually leave. It's a sad process, but I want to get it over with. I've found something to do with the business cards, brochures, and small little shopping bags I've acquired in my time here: scrapbooking! I've never made a scrapbook before and to be honest, what I'm doing is nowhere near fancy. But it's somewhere to store memories of friends I've made and places I've been, and it helps to clean up my room little by little. At this point I may not have a clean room until the week before I leave, when I fully expect to be living out of my suitcase.
If not for my damn toe I could be doing it all a lot faster. =(
July 4th last year, I was hanging out on a parking ramp roof with Will and my other best friends watching fireworks, having gum-spitting contests, and playing with sparklers. I don't get homesick often but today around 9pm American time (11am Japan), I really missed being at home, being able to watch fireworks with my loved ones. Maybe I can talk someone into buying fireworks with me in Missouri when I get back home so we can make our own Fourth of July.
daily goings-on,
angry eyes just in case,