Not one, not two, but THREE boxes of happy came in the mail yesterday!
Among the three items of unmentionables, I also bought this bathrobe and vest from my favorite lingerie brand. :D The vest is incredibly light and I'm a little bit worried when the time comes to wash it. Maybe I'll just do my best not to get it dirty and spray it with febreze or something. (@_@)
This is the order I received from Amazon. On the top left is the book "Kato Mai is My Real Name - The Reason I Became an AV Star," by Hara Saori, a gravure idol turned porn star. I've wanted this book since shortly after it's release and have been scouring Book-Off and even the new bookstores practically every month since I came to Japan. I didn't want to pay 1000yen either. However, Amazon must have started this new service where they store certain used items in their warehouse and are able to ship them directly from there. Before if I wanted to buy something used, I would have to have it shipped to the conbini and pay the 500yen commission fee, which kind of screws you over if the item doesn't cost much to begin with. But I managed to get it for less than 300yen used AND free shipping directly to my dorm :D I can't wait to start translating it!!! Right next to that is a Chi's Sweet Home photobook of sorts that I was also able to get with this awesome used service. It has conceptual art for the manga put side-by-side with photos of real cats that Konami Kanata drew inspiration from. I was going to give it to my mom, not knowing what sort of a cat picture book it might be, but I don't think she'll like it very much because it's clearly for fans of Chi. =/
The CD at the bottom is "Call me back boy" by Juan (aka Ishida Yuko). It was 75% off new so I had to nab it, because this was also on my list of things to buy before going back home :D I'm happy to finally have lyrics for some of my favorite songs.
I got two other things as well, but they're presents and there's a chance the receiver is reading this. OHOHOHO
Yesterday I was all ready to go to Korean class. I had my bag ready, was fully dressed and practically on my way out the door. I didn't want to go but didn't necessarily have any intentions of skipping until Julia said "You're already graduated!!! Why would you go?"
And just like that, I caved. (=__=) It's so hot to go to class lately though. It's kind of like winter in the states, I skipped a lot during months it was colder. Now I skip when it's hot. I can't win. I'm skipping a class right now and the probability of me skipping my only other class today is continually rising. It's my translation class, but I just don't feel like it (>_<) I've been bargaining with myself that if I start work on the AV book, that will count as my own personal translation class in an air-conditioned room (aka the dorm).
Kinda sounds like a plan to me...LOL
Going to an awesome restaurant called Sweets Paradise (suipara for short) with a bunch of my best gals this evening. All-you-can-eat pasta and curry and sandwiches and cakes for about 1500yen! LOVE.