I suppose I should post about this now before I write about anything else.

Jan 02, 2009 19:10

Taiou Shijinki.


The costumes, the sets, the effects... Everyone's singing... Gorgeous. Amazing.

The story is SO MUCH JAM-PACKED into two-and-a-half hours, it's ridiculous. I kept waiting and waiting for the act break just because I couldn't believe they'd already covered so much and it wasn't even half over.

The first act filled my eyes with sparkles, and so did the second act, for a time, but then it came close to the ending and suddenly everything was even more rushed and I didn't understand HOW the final resolution even made sense.

And at times it was a tad silly. Some of the effects just looked silly on a stage. ^__^;;

But then the end revue was FANTASTIC and K-poppy and rock-ish and I loved it for the modern, upbeat sound/look which was crazily juxtaposed with the traditional, mythological feel of the play.

Coming down off the high of such a sensory overload, though, I realized that there was so much that Taiou Shijinki *didn't* do right. Once again they streamlined the female characters. For all she first appears to be, Kiha (Ayane) was so much like any other musumeyaku role. With Sujini (Miwacchi), they barely tried to *pretend* she was anything more than a girl in boy's clothing.

With so much story and so many characters, you knew a lot was going to be sacrificed. Obviously someone who has actually seen the K-drama can go into more detail, but personally I just got that general sense of "too much plot for less than three hours" and "not enough characterization".

The costume and prop mishaps I can obviously forgive, since it was only the second day of the show.

Anyway. Having said all that.

I WANT TO SEE IT AGAIN ;_____________;

taiou shijinki, review, aine harei, hanagumi, sakurano ayane

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