As previously announced, the lead musumeyaku of Cosmos Troupe, Hizuki Hana, will be taking a leave of absence from the Tokyo Takarazuka Theater performance "Reimei no Kaze / Passion ~ Ai no Tabi", but it is now announced that she will also be taking leave from the Cosmos Troupe Umeda Arts Theater performance "Singin' in the Rain".
Aiming to return on the opening day of the Cosmos Troupe Grand Theater performance "Paradise Prince / Dancing For You" on Friday, September 26th, 2008, she will devote herself to continuing her treatment, thus we humbly beg of you to please sympathize with this situation and give us your understanding.
This. Is. No. Broken. Ankle.
At least, that is the fear in this little conspiracy theorist's heart. T________T
Please, please, please, Ume-chan. Whatever it is. Please please get better. There's only so much of this I can take.
I am going to write her as often as I possibly can.