now I shall talk about my cousin for ten minutes and it shall be dull

Aug 10, 2010 19:58

A SUCCESSFUL DAY OF CHILDMINDING. I kicked my cousin's bony eleven-year-old butt at Monopoly and I liked it. It's kind of becoming a tradition between the two of us now, me calmly and pleasantly bankrupting a child. Then I taught her how to tie her shoelaces FUCK YEAH I AM A RESPONSIBLE ADULT-Y FIGURE IN HER LIFE. But oh my god internet, she has a ( Read more... )

rl: babysitting shenanigans

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Comments 10

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wanttobeatree August 11 2010, 01:43:49 UTC
And when she hits 16 there will also be the 'I AM IN MY MID-TWENTIES' panic to contend with. OH HORROR OF THE FUTURE.


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wanttobeatree August 11 2010, 17:59:50 UTC
COMRADE! *salutes* I'll prep the space-boots.

(hey hey soon I am going to have to make srs decision re whether to do Work America or not. Currently leaning towards "I wanna but HOSHIIIIT SO SCARY AND EXPENSIVE!!!")


wolfy_writing August 11 2010, 10:09:52 UTC
It's crazy. I've got a niece, and not only is my kid brother old enough to have children, she's gone from being a baby to a toddler to a little girl who continually forms complete sentences and can remember what the conversation's about for minutes on end! And she goes to school! Granted, only preschool, but there's still the thing where she has school dresses and school shoes and a school bad and assignments and things.

When she gets to the proper assignments of the sort people read, instead of the "Circle this object, then go play in the sandbox" sort, I think my head will explode.


laulan August 11 2010, 17:47:45 UTC
Wait, she didn't know how to tie her shoes at age eleven? I thought everyone's parents forced them to learn how to do that in kindergarten so they didn't have to deal with it anymore! She must have patient parents. XD

Also, yes. I have no younger siblings but my best friends' younger siblings have grown up and are GOING TO UNI NOW and it freaks the hell out of me. HOW ARE THEY SO OLDDDD I KNEW THEM WHEN THEY WERE TINY THINGS WITH LISPY HIGH VOICES!!!


wanttobeatree August 11 2010, 17:53:18 UTC
I didn't know how to tie mine until age eleven when I started secondary school! Although it was easier to get away with in the nineties when ALL SHOES WERE VELCRO, AAAALL SHOES. Ik my cousin's been teased about her lack of bow-tying skillz now all the kids are wearing canvas sneaker style shoes.

I KNOW THIS FEELING TOO D: barthi has a younger brother and sister and as I've known barthi since WE were eleven, her formerly tiny wee siblings are now 16 and 18 /o\


laulan August 11 2010, 17:59:14 UTC
GOSH! Seriously, you are the only person I know for whom this holds true, I think! Maybe it's a British/U.S. thing. And yes, hahahaha VELCRO SHOES. I miss the nineties, when giant oversized striped shirts and flowery leggings were a valid fashion choice.

THEY SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO AGE. :( WHAT IS THIS MADNESS. Where is the child-freezer when you need it.


wanttobeatree August 11 2010, 18:03:16 UTC
Naaah it was pretty unusual in my case, too. I just had shit co-ordination (AND STILL DO.) GDI IKR. I never did giant oversized striped shirts but oh my flowery leggings <3333

srsly D: barthi's brother must have been SIX when I first met him. what is going ooooon here. (and oh god all my elder cousins are getting married and having babies now. It's not quite so wtf as they've always seemed Hugely Old And Wise to me, what with being a good seven/eight years older, but stiiiill.)


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