This morning I woke up to incredibly bright sunlight and thought to myself 'SHIT how did I sleep through my 7:20am alarm?!' And then I rolled over and squinted at my clock and discovered it was barely twenty to seven. Ffffff BST dawn, please don't get any earlier. My blind is too thin for these summery shenanigans.
SUPERNATURAL MEME. Because I am too useless and sleepy for anything else. (Damn you long day and thin blinds.)
The character I first fell in love with: DEEEEEEEN. With his pretty face and his cocky attitude and his ooey-gooey inner core of familial love and brotherly affection hiding beneath that crispy leather jacket coating. Oh Dean. OH SEASON ONE DEAN. Back in those days when your missing dad and your psychic brother and the show's music budget were aaaaall you had to worry about. I miss you, season one Dean.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: SAM IS THE OBVIOUS ANSWER, OBVIOUSLY. I loved him in s1 and 2, all in his prissy pouty glory, but oh the moment of conversion. Honestly I am surprised I didn't turn into a Samgirl in s3. I swear, one of the most exciting moments of my media-consuming life was when he shot the CRD and I exclaimed "WHY SAM, I HAVE COMPLETELY MISINTERPRETED YOUR SLIGHTLY SOCIOPATHIC CHARACTER!" And then there was MYSTERY SPOT *______* and yet somehow I remained firmly rooted in Dean right through 'til s4. I think there was a long period of denial, tbh. Exactly why I would be in denial about Sam being my favourite, I don't know, but Dean Winchester does weird things to people. IT IS DOCUMENTED.
The character everyone else loves that I don't: ~oh I wonder who it could possibly be~
The character I love that everyone else hates: Ruby :'(
The character I would shag anytime: Could I please transplant Sam's sexual style into Dean's body? Or actually maybe make that Jensen's body. Dean is presumably not all that mad for safe sex if he felt there was a real possibility Ben was his kid. Plus there was that whole s3 sex rampage he went on. EWWWW.
The character I'd want to be like: CHUCK SHURLEY. Give me a skungy dressing gown and some modest facial hair and I will show you happiness, my friends.
The character I'd slap: Castiel - NO, HEAR ME OUT - Castiel, because he would make that face he made when Dean punched him. That was a good face.
A pairing that I love: Sam/Dean, Sam/Dean, Sam/Dean, Sam/Dean.
A pairing that I despise: Wait, are you saying there are pairings other than Sam/Dean?
My five favorite characters: Sam, Dean, Ruby, Chuck, Kevin Jonas.
My five least favorite characters: Castiel, Ben, that damn Antichrist kid who stole Sam's RIGHTFUL ANTICHRIST GLORY oh man now I miss Gordon, ummm... my feelings on Bobby waver but I don't think I dislike him enough to list him here. I QUIT THIS GAME.
Which character I am most like: BECKY. Ohhhhh.
My deep, dark fandom secret: If people actually wrote bottom!Sam in a way that I enjoyed, I would turn away from top!Sam and NEVER LOOK BACK.
Un/fortunately the way I enjoy bottom!Sam is a way that seems to live only in my head, so Imma keep on topping trucking (hello Freud) with Sam's giant cock and equally giant need for sexual control 'til then. AND BOY WHAT A ROAD TRIP IT WILL BE.
P.P.S. So I was just shuffling through my 'saving people hunting things' tag because I haven't used it in a while and the delightful thing about a tagging system such as mine is that basically everything throws up something I had forgotten about. CASE IN POINT:
a very old and rather abandoned teenchester fic. GOD I LOVED THAT FIC. I will finish it/steal the plot one dayyyy...