pointless life update

May 07, 2009 22:40

  • Writing short story for Creative Writing (and holy shit it is over one week before the deadline. I think this is the earliest I have ever done anything.)
  • Except I was aiming to have it finished last night. I FORWENT WOLVERINE WITH ze_pink_lady TO HAVE IT FINISHED LAST NIGHT. Why so slow, short story? You are about explosions!
  • Keep losing my lipbalm. And by losing it I mean I reach for where I think it is, go 'AJSF NOOO WHERE IS MY LIPBLAM MY LIPS WILL CHAFE' and then I discover it under a stack of notes/my foot.
  • Possibly I should attach it to a necklace somehow.
  • Holy shit new SPN tonight *_*
  • Okay back to explosions.

old: yes it fucking is season 4, rl: my ridiculous degree, lipbalm is for life, i'm a bit rubbish really, procrastination viking

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