something relevant can go here

Mar 14, 2008 22:34

Nff. I am sprawled here in my Fluffiest Dressing Gown Ever, drinking tea and listening to Joni Mitchell, and PEOPLE LIKE MY FIC. That is never going to stop being thrilling. I could become the next JKR, and I would probably still flap my hands around in semi-hysterical glee at the slightest provocation.

And that makes it sound kind of like people are poking me with sticks rather than encouraging my writing, but whatever. Point is: HOORAY FOR LIFE. And also hooray for Life on Mars, which I ran away to watch all day until the cross-posting trauma abated. Oh Life on Mars, how can you be so wonderful when Ashes to Ashes is so very bad? Sam Tyler/Sam Winchester is my new crossover OTP. JUST BECAUSE I CAN.

(I am totally, by the way, going to redeem myself as a human being and do the 'reply to everyone's comments' thing for Eurydice. When I am slightly more alive, perhaps.)

I WOULD JUST LIKE TO SAY, OKAY, cause I know I'd been whining a bit about having to write porn and then the porn that actually appeared was, like, not porny at all and really kind of anticlimactic (if you know what I mean)~ there was totally some actual ~*anal penetration*~ that was going to appear, but it was way too happy and I realised that NO, THEY CANNOT HAVE THEIR HAPPY SEX, and so I took it away.


It's possible I have drank too much tea today.

needs moar tags, i'm a bit rubbish really, tv: life on mars, *happy face*

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