Jul 31, 2006 22:11
"You are ruled," Richard said in a voice that rang out over the multitude, "by mean little men."
The people gasped as one. To speak against a brother was treason, most likely, and heresay for sure.
"My crime?" Richard asked aloud. "I have given you something beautiful to see, daring to hold the conviction that you have a right to see it if you wish. Worse... I have said that your lives are your own to live."
A rolling murmer swept out through the multitude. Richard's voice rose in power, demanding in its clarity to be heard above the whispering.
"Evil is no one large entity, but a collection of countless, small depravities brought up from the muck by petty men. Living under the order, you have traded the enrichment of vision for a gray fog of mediocrity - the fertile inspiration of striving and growth, for mindless stagnation and slow decay - the brave new ground of the attempt, for the timid quagmire of apathy."
With gazes riveted and lips still, the crowd listened. Richard gestured out over their heads with his sledgehammer, weilded with the effortless grace of a royal sword.
"You have traded freedom not even for a bowl of soup, but worse, for the spoken empty feelings of others who say that you deserve to have a full bowl of soup provided by someone else.
"Happiness, joy, accomplishment, achievement... are not finite commoditites, to be divided up. Is a child's laughter to be divided up and allotted? No! Simply make more laughter!"
Laughter, pleased laughter, rippled through the crowd.
Brother Narav's scowl grew. "We've heard enough of your extremist rambling! Destroy your profane statue. Now."
Richard cocked his head. "Oh? the collective assembly of the Order, and of brothers, fears to hear what one insignificant man could say? You fear mere words that much, Brother Narev?"
Dark eyes stole a quick glance at the crowd as they leaned forward, eager to hear his answer.
"We fear no words. Virtue is on our side, and will prevail. Speak your blasphemy, so all may understand why moral people will side against you."
Richard smiled out at the people, but he spoke with brutal honesty.
"Every person's life is theirs by right. An individual's life can and must belong only to himself, not to any society or community, or he is then but a slave. No one can deny another person their right to their life, nor seize by force what is produced by someone else, because that is stealing their means to sustain their life. It is treason against mankind to hold a knife to a man's throat and dictate how he must live his life. No society can be more important than the individuals who compose it, or else you ascribe supreme importance, not to man, but to any notion that strikes the fancy of that society, at a never-ending cost of lives. Reason and reality are the only means to just laws; mindless wishes, if given sovereignty, become deadly masters.
"Surrending reason to faith in these men sanctions their use of force to enslave you - to murder you. You have the power to decide how you will live your life. These mean little men up here are but cockroaches, if you say they are. They have no power to control you but that which you grant them!"
Richard pointed with the sledgehammer back at the statue. "This is life. Your life. To live as you choose." He swept the head of the sledgehammer in an arc, pointing at the carving up on the walls. "This is what the Order offers you: death."
"We've heard enough of your blasphemy!" Brother Narev shrieked. "Destroy your evil creation now, or die!"
The spears rose.
Richard calmly swept a fearless glance around at the guards, then stepped to his statue. Nicci's heart was pounding against her ribs. She didn't want it destroyed. It was too good to destroy. This couldn't be happening. They couldn't take this away.
Richard rested the sledgehammer across his shoulder. He lifted his other hand up to the statue as he addressed the crowd one last time.
"This is what the Order is taking from you - your humanity, your individuality, your freedom to live your own life."
Richard breifly touched the sledgehammer to his forehead.
With a mighty swing, the steel head arced around. Nicci could hear the air whistle. The entire statue seemed to shudder as the sledgehammer struck the base with a thunderous boom.
In a moment of brittle silence, she heard the faintest sound, the ripping popping crackling whisper of the stone istelf.
Then, the entire statue crashed down in a roar of fragments and billowing white dust.
The officials at the back of the plaza cheered. The guards hooted and hollered as they waved their weapons in the air.
They were the only ones. The crowd was dead silent as dust rolled out across the plaza. All their hope, embodied in the satue, had just been destroyed.
Nicci stared in a daze. Her throat constricted with the agony of it. Her eyes watered. They all watched, as if having just witnessed some tragic, pointless death.
The guards moved towards Richard with their spears leveled, prodding him back to other guards waiting with heavy shackles.
Down closer to the steps, a clear voice rang out from the stunned crowd. "No! We'll not stand for it!"
In the gathering darkness, Nicci saw the man who had yelled. He was up close to the front, furiously trying to fight his way through the press of people to get to the plaza.
It was Mr. Cascella.
"We'll not stand for it!" he roared. "I'll not let you enslave me any longer! Do you hear? I'm a free man! A free man!"
The entire mass of people before the palace erupted in a deafening roar.
And then, as one, they lunged forward.
Fists in the air, voices raised in cries of rage, the mass of humanity avalanched toward the plaza. Ranks of heavily armed men marched down the steps to meet the advance. They vanished beneath the onslaught.
Nicci screamed with all her might, trying to get Richard's attention, but her voice was lost in the hurricane.