I'm on a Deep Streek

Mar 18, 2004 17:59

Everyone is sad. But mostly confused. I guess we're all @ that age where we trying 2 find ourselves, be our own person, but still remain wut everyone wants us 2 be the fun one, always laughing, always pretty, always chipper. But when u dont feel like faking it 4 another day and ur not in a good mood and u dont feel like talking about it everyone thinks ur P.M.S.ing or just being a bitch. Everyone is stereotyped. All the blondes r supposed 2 be dumb, the black kids are 2 b ghetto, latinos are only be mexican, and speak spanish, and goths are the only suicideal people on earth? Y do we have 2 label people in the first place?
We're all turning in2 mindless drones. Has anyone noticed that almost everyone's entire wardrobe is all stuff from Urban Outfitters, Abercrombie, American Eagle, and pac-sun? We all think we being origanal when were all dressing the same.
I think we do it, cuz we're scared if we were 2 wear something different, people might think badly of us and talk behind our backs. We all try 2 say the we dont care what people think of us. I wish we could just let go. And not care. But we cant, we're programmed 2 care.
We over look people cuz they dont meet our standards, and we dont wanna look bad. And our friends? wut friends? i'm almost scared 2 become friends with these people i'm scared there gonna talk about me behind my back, tell my secrets, tell lies about me. But i the same time i go out my way 2 make them happy, so they like me.
And 2 some people were so mean, so they're different then u. Big Deal! Is that really a good reason 2 make someone cry?
Then theres the whole factor of perfect. I personally dont believe in perfect. Everyone screws up sometimes, and everyone has there good days. No one's perfect.
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