Ok, so today was very tiring i sleep during all of 6th period, and we have a test tomorrow, and Haydan's jokes are confusing. And I found out that 2 of my best friends have a crush on the same guy! and 1 of them wants me 2 help her get him, but then my other friend would be crushed if they went out. Wut am i supposed 2 do. I think they're both in LOVE with him! And i need 2 figuire out who i'm gonna do my biography on. Here r my top 3
1. Joshephine Baker, she was this famous dancer in france, but she did most of her dancing topless.
2. Angela Davis, this awesome female civil rights activist who was arrested 23 times.
3. Ronnie Spector, this awesome rock-n-roll femme, who performed with the Jimi Hendrix. Who's a leo.
*Please Comment on which 1 i should choose.*