Dream Theater Damnit !

Oct 05, 2003 00:48

someone needs to come see Dream Theater with me in january cos i really want to see em and im scared of goin on my own cos i'll end up lost and gettin mugged by about 50 lil townies that all say the sam fuckin things over and over again, such as "you gotta pound bruv?" or "innit" and my favourite, "blag"... Now WTF DOES THAT MEAN?
ive heard this damn "word" used for many different occasions, is it like some universal word that they use for words they dont know because they dont stay in school long enough to learn how to speak english?
any ways thats enough about damn townies/pikies/cock gobblers.
i need someone to come see Dream Theater with me, i dont care who, just anyone!

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