Fri, 20:21: RT @ blueofthebay: On the plus side, I strongly, strongly approve of the amount of Chin so far this season. More of the same, please. #H50 @…
Fri, 20:47: RT @ DannoLovesYou: Wow ok, staying out of the #H50 Hashtag. Seriously Ladies, at least save your negative attitude for after the Ep aired. …
Fri, 22:05: I'm all revolutionized. I knew #DiscoverHaven would take away my #h50 doldrums. It. Was. So. Good. So. Perfect. Can't fail hard enough.
Sat, 00:04: citymusings: Why was Steve in a suit instead of his uniform for Cath’s ceremony? Did he quit wearin’ a...
Sat, 00:53: I need to sleep. Not be sitting up being stressed out heartbroken and offended by a tv show.
Sat, 01:18: RT @ ibyshire: Dear #H50, please stop writing Danny as a sexist jerk. It breaks my heart. It's not cute, it's not 'having Steve's back' - …
Sat, 01:34: I love you guys, I have to go lay down and at least try to sleep.
Sat, 10:30: Like thunder gonna shake the ground - Welcome to everyone who added me while I’ve been busy and away, with...
Sat, 11:02: I love being known by the owner of my fruit/vegetable store. Warm fuzzies for him stopping to wave at me while he was driving away.