21 first lines, newest to oldest
Borrowed over by
sageness Using my A03, but I'm discounting my meta's, or twitter fics.
1. Weeks pass, and months pass, and, eventually, even years, without it changing.
you light up my life like nobody else; Narnia/Robin Hood/Milliways (Marian/Caspian)]
2. He lets himself drink too much. At least look it.
At Least; Hawaii Five-0 (John McGarrett)]
3. “You are not going to believe what the pack of no good, bottom feeding, sharks asked for this time!”
cause that's just who I am this week; Hawaii Five-0 (Danny/Steve)]
4. “Yo, D-” He called out as he was coming through the door. “I know I said I was going to be here an hour ago, but Duke-”
you light up my life like nobody else; Hawaii Five-0 (Danny/Steve)]
5. They are thick as thieves.
these places, we find ourselves; Once Upon a Time (Charming/Snow/Red)]
6. “So, you put lights on palm trees?” Mrs. William questioned, gently.
[Ch. 2 of
The 12 Days of Jersey; Hawaii Five-0 (Danny/Steve, Grace)]
7. "Am I still your princess?"
[Ch. 6/Yr 6
The First Path: This was The Plan from the Beginning; Once Upon a Time (Charming, Snow, Emma)]
8. “Steve,” It was glorious, and desperate, “Steve,” trapped in hot breath, smothered into his shoulder. “I’m going to-“
oh, the river, it's running free; Hawaii Five-0 (Danny/Steve, Grace)]
9. He should be happy. It should be a miracle.
That's What I See Through Your Eyes; Hawaii Five-0 (Steve, Doris)]
10. Oronin Last-Born was the first to hear the scream that would part them from their world further than they had been drifting for ages.
No First, or Last, Prayer; The Sundering (Oronin, Satoris, Yrinna, Meronin, Neheris, Arahlia, Haomane, Cerelinde)]
11. Okay, so the only upside to Milliway’s is not that she gets to sleep, make money, not lose out on any hours in a day, in her own world.
I need another story; something to get off my chest; Supernatural/Milliways (Jo)]
12. "-and you'll always love the ocean, that'll never fade away. In fact, it gets exponentially bigger as you get to know the rest of it everywhere else. And The Navy? It's the best decision you ever got to make."
going from road to road; (Steve/Danny, Grace, Doris)]
13. He doesn’t have the softest touch - these hands; trained for lethal fighting, his skin; loitered with scars, silent stories each worse than the last - but every once in a while he can be something else.
may not have the softest touch (may not say the words as such); Hawaii Five-0 (Danny/Steve)]
14. "So." He put it simple and straight forward, where anyone else would have prompted the whole question.
The Best Advice from the Nineties; Hawaii Five-0 (Steve/Danny, Steve/Cath)]
15. He loves his team. The work he does with Five-0. Even if trivial and selfish, when he examines it, getting to see everything through to its end.
home from the sea; Hawaii Five-0 (Danny/Steve)]
16. He hates the ocean. Not hyperbole. Hyper fanaticism hate. Saved for spiders, clowns, heights, the Death Stare of a Navy SEAL snapping his red tape leash again.
not hyperbole; hyper fanaticism hate; Hawaii Five-0 (Danny/Steve)]
17. I am your mother
And I'm so glad you're here
You have a father
Who loves you, oh so dear
Oh my little star sweeper; Once Upon a Time (Eva, Snow)]
18. When he was young, Memorial Day’s were spent first on Pearl at The Arizona Memorial, for Taps, the rifle salute, the Ford Island Tour.
Memorial Day: The Definitive Collection; Hawaii Five-0 (Steve)]
19. Once upon a time, he was a child with loving parents, who he totally made faces at for slinging an arm around his neck, or made faces at kissing him, with a rambunctious, little sister who ‘was not touching’ him, as much as he ‘was not touching’ her.
Touching You; Hawaii Five-0 (Steve)]
20. In Danny’s defense, one shade of crazy on Steve can be just as like as any other.
Not in Heaven, But; Hawaii Five-0 (Steve)]
21. It doesn’t change all that much.
The Storms Cleared, The Seas Stilled; Narnia/Robin Hood/Milliways (Caspian/Marian)]
[This entry was originally posted at
http://wanderlustlover.dreamwidth.org/2228292.html. Comment on either at your leisure.]