Fandom SnowFlake Challenge 2013
Day 1 |
Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4
Day 4 In your own space, create a list of at least three fannish things you'd love to receive, something you've wanted but were afraid to ask for - a fannish wish-list of sorts. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your wish-list if you feel comfortable doing so. Maybe someone will grant a wish. Check out other people's posts. Maybe you will grant a wish.
If any wishes are granted, we'd love it if you link them to
this post.
I. A Long Dreamed-Of Icon
I would really love an icon, ala the kind like my poetry snippet ones showing in both my LJ or DW icons, that highlights my favorite Walt Whitman Quote:
Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself. I am large. I contain multitudes.
II. Transformative Works
I would love and welcome any remixes, podfic's, translations, dvd commentary's, fan art, story banners, fan mix or secondary fanwork of any of my works
here at A03. (Which I was inspired tonight to actually put up a Transformative Works note on
my profile there, and added my name to the Blanket Fanlore, due to this challenge!)
III. A Fic or Any Fandom Work: My Fandom in the Eye of a Needle
I'd love to have any story or snippet anyone would be willing to write about Satoris, or the Shapers, or later years of Cerelinde. Anything. Everything. Something related to this tiniest fandom of mine. Or any fandom work that people would be willing to do in this one would make my heart so happy.
IV. DW Layout Help
Help, if it's possible in building blocks, to make my Blue/The Witching Hour/Amanda/Ms. White layout on
Dreamwidrth match, as close to exactly as possible, my layout on my
Livejournal. This is one of the biggest, longest things actually holding me back from any willingness to look at my DW journal, even though I've given over to cross-posting everything.
[This entry was originally posted at Comment on either at your leisure.]