Dear My Amazing Masked Writer,
You, are currently, the light at the center of my fandom Christmas. My bright star, cherry on the top of my pie. I will be bated and breathless and adore whatever is waiting for me the morning of Christmas Reveal. I adore you madly already for signing up and taking on the challenge, both for me and for the entire existence of this exchange.
I want you to have tons fun with this challenge and not feel pigeon holed, thus do not feel locked, chained and bound to any of the details I will place below. I am a fan of all relationships, slash and het and fem and gen with equal squee. So please feel free to go with whatever fits you best in your writing and know that I'll love it regardless.
I do not like: characters who are one dimensional, character who sounds like they are fourteen or twenty when they aren't, weak under developed villains, nonconsensual anything scenes (unless it's actually show in the canon before hand), abuse, needless character bashing or setting up of people (character a and b go together in this fic thus c and d and e and f must be together to make a and b have happened), weak women, and really unless it's very well written, and has a *point* to plot, I skim sex scenes and find myself bored. Mpreg, possessiveness or overruling jealousy, completely breaking something canon proved.
I like: plots and character development, especially deeper into the canon which we haven't gotten to see. I love relationships; friends, family, lovers (together and unrequited). Prose that is written as poetry. Narrators (though this one is very hard to have pulled off correctly). I like happy and I like dark. Set the right, true depth in a scene and I'll be there whatever you put it. Scenery and setting, and all the people and places this connects to being present is important. Strong characters, over whelming emotions, hard truths, hypocritical humanity (or beingness), to be able to feel and touch and hear what is happening, details that fill out the world around my characters makes my heart soar. Emotions, banter, secrets revealed, journals, poetry, literacy. Believable alternate universes, flawed characters, formal wear, bare feet, multiculturalism, twisted endings and what if endings. All sorts of weather, especially windy fall, snowy winter, sunny spring and rain.
I love love stories, too, perhaps, best of all. I don't mean just fluff, but any kind of story even unrequited or parted lovers, deaths, family, friends, etc love stories. If it has love in it somewhere, that is true and beating and not perfect, I will love it.
1. Jacqueline Carey - The Sundering Series
This is my Yuletide holy grail request. If it's not the one you were matched for me on, don't worry about it, but this is the one I've been holding out in the hopes of for two years. I would love pretty much anything that can be done in this universe, but my favorite four characters are the ones selected there.I love this series. It's one of the few series to make me cry through the last fifty or sixty pages and I have a special place in my heart for Cerelinde, Satoris, Tanaros, and Ushahin. I love this world and the spin it puts on the notions of 'good,' 'evil,' 'right,' 'wrong,' and assumptions of 'truth.' Tell me a story of what happens afterwards. I love to see any number of things. The floor is nearly completely open on this.
How does the Sunderer's death effect these people? How does Cerelinde and Aracus's early marriage go after how much she's been changed by these events? What happened to Ushahin? Tell me more about the many yeared life of Tanaros? Where were the Gods during this whole story or what did they do forever past or forward? What real life events became the myths the book characters reference? How about more interactions in that dark world between Tanaros, Ushahin, Satoris, and Cerelinde?
I would honestly adore almost anything you could give me of this.
2. Haven
This is, probably, still tied as one of my very three favorite shows currently airing, and the only so small it fits in Yuletide. I loved the setting, the mystery, the slow reveals, and the plot pieces left hanging. I'd probably like almost anything that could be done in this tiny town.I was very literally glued to this show from the first moment we saw it. From the phone call and Nathan prickliness to the big reveal at end of the second to last episode which only kept getting bigger and bigger to our ending. I would love to see so much done with this world there's almost no limit to what you could write.
Audrey and Nathan trying to figure out why he can feel her touch (even if they never do). Audrey and Duke's never meeting up attraction. The Chief watching Nathan grow, knowing that he isn't Nathan's father, trying to be his keeper and becoming his father. Nathan coming to terms with the discovery of his past, and the connection to Duke's prophecy. Tell me about The Troubles the first, or the many other times they might have happened.
What's happened to Audrey? What was her life in that apartment we first found her in? Postulate about Sarah or Lucy or the Colorado kid? Tell me about how you think the book plays into this? And what is the story behind the brothers? How do the inhabitants of Haven feel about living in Haven, especially those who aren't "troubled" at all?
I'm so very open for you to take any ball of an idea you might get from any of these, or the show, and running with it.
3. Elizabeth Haydon - The Symphony of Ages
Another love I am dying for a story of, that I've requested for a number of years running. I want to know so much about Achmed and Rhapsody’s connecting, what will happen when Ashe turns, and how things all play out.This fandom, if you got it, holds an extremely special place in my heart. I adore her writing style, her world, the world history, the names, the places, the people, the lies, the lessons, the revelations, the poetry, the science, the magic, the mythology, the dragons, the demons, the humans, the races. Omg. I could go on about this world and all it's done to inspire me for ages. But what I love best about these books is Achmed and Rhapsody. Two sides of the same coin, who fell in love when she didn't know she was married.
Who literally might as well be in love still even though she is happily married with a child. At least most specifically him, because she's still with the boy who's owned her heart since she was fourteen, but the undercurrent is still present. I would love to see this addressed. Their friendship, partnership in the trio (because when you have the two you can't forget their third, or Ashe, really). I would love to see her in a fic after Ashe becomes a dragon as has been pretty much told to us will happen one day. I'd love to see how they both handle that and if it would make or break them.
Really any kind of character piece on Achmed that has to do with her in some part would be amazing, as I'd love to know a lot more about his character that isn't delved into.
4. Shakespeare - Twelfth Night
So this is my favorite Shakespeare play and I did comprehensives in my Masters on it last fall talking about how these three characters are all facets of one person/persona/personality. I'd love a fic that could delve into the idea and have fun with it. Olivia and Viola barely letters or circumstances away from each other? Is Cesario *actually* Sebastian until he's revealed to be Viola?I have a mad, fantabulous love for this play. The edges of logic and reason, where plays and jokes are taken just this side of too far, and caricatures are larger than the characters words, where words are the unmasking of people while the clothing continue to befuddle the mind. I would love to see some kind of character piece.
This is the only one with a list of things I don't really want. I'm really not interested, for this one, on anything that has to do much with the secondary tier characters. With the knights, maids, or Malvolio. I see these a lot when I scout for Twelfth fic. I'd really like something character dealing with the three listed, no matter how you happen to make it work out.
Thank you, again, so very very much for writing me this story! Also, while I will leave you metaphorical milk and cookies, I celebrate Yule as a day of birth and Christmas as family free day, and this does not have to be set near the holiday.
Yours in excitement,
Wanderlustlover / Amanda
[This entry was originally posted at Comment on either at your leisure.]