The Air Altar on my Self Dedication Night

Jun 29, 2010 01:17

I started this a few weeks ago, and I've been negligent about putting up pictures of it yet.

(Or of figuring out quite how to show you the altar all together without a million little quadrant walk throughs. Remember the Orange Altar? Same Altar space. Except Orange is on the ffaarr left side, whereas Air is the section sort of topping that, and at the far right. Whereas the far right opposite Orange is the RCG Chakra class portion....which you can see the tea light of the Crown barely in the first picture)

Someday I'll figure out how to show it all off correctly as one.

For now on to the show, and recording for my posterity.)

Air Altar, month one

In my bright, shiny abalone shell for being Third Eye and Meditation bent. And even for the fact it is from Water, as Air came to me and claimed me through the being of Water's Priestess. There is a coil of pearls on a string to symbolize both Air's wand from that weekend and my own one gifted to me later on. A white candle for meditative processes, surrounded by tiny yellow calcite stones. A glamourkin reading: Her Windy Dance.

A glass bell from my childhood altar sits behind it, and below it, by the base holding the shell aloft, (not in the picture) is the Air oil I made.

Air Altar Wall Space, month one

The Air card from my Elemental Set from a full_moon_swaps exchange, and my newest glass butterfly charm from Goddess Grove's Summer Solstice Ritual, done with yellow string during my self-dedication.

rcg path, glamourkin, gotfd, religion, dedications: 2010 air, full moon swaps

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