.....I hate when you're predictable in the bad way.

May 16, 2010 10:20

You know. This is now the second week in so many that I amazingly predicted everything from the beginning, and once again watched you break your own canon. First you give me conversations in a break-in that everyone in the entire house would hear.

Now you had Damon (predictably) kissing Catherine (which was going to happen the moment Elena was the one in period clothes, making it pretty natural an assumption Catherine would show up in modern ones), thinking it was Elena (which will lead predictably to later Damon issues), and never noticing the lack of a heart beat or breathing or body temperature?

Cause that wouldn't stand out at all.


I'm going to start mumbling "Be my twinkie" to the tune of "Be my angel."
I gave into you being the good crack, please, please, please go back to it.

I didn't even mind any of your other craziness in this episode aside from that.

Which is far better that the sheer level of monotonous acceptance that's going on in my head pretty much anytime I turn Who on now, which breaks me a bit, since it used to be the show I turned all of life off for almost. And the recent episode was pretty much a feel the same thing.

Well. Except for the moment when he realized who The Dream Lord was, and then we come back to the comment about how the Doctor knows who this is....

....because no one else hates him as much.

You know. As he hates himself.

It was the first time I felt Matt/Eleven fell in line for a second with all the other doctors (and nine hundred years of baggage), even if it was a glossed over line. But you know then the second passed and the episode went on.

geek the girl, meta, tv, fandom

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