Feb 19, 2008 08:23
As is normaly the case when loads of things are happening at once, the updates slow to a halt. So here goes.
I've moved. The guy who owned the apartment wanted to fix it up, and we got our 3 months notice. Ended up being just under 1 month before we found ourselves a new place, and we're setteling in anew. However, I have to admit I am tired of living in boxes. Me and sigurd moved in with two friends (a couple), which isnt a bad thing. However I am getting a little tired of there being boxes everywhere.. And by now its only their boxes filling the living room. And I cant really touch those boxes. They are filled with private things, nicknacks, stuff. Things you probably want to unpack yourself, alone and in private. I am considering asking if I can move them into their room so I can unpack the dining furniture.
Also.. I never thought I had a problem with PDA.. but I am getting there. babyvoice saying "hello my sweet, how are you" 6 times a day I can handle. Even the occational kiss is ok. The problem starts comming when you have the machinegun pecks with high noicefactor every time they pass each other in the hallway, sit down, etc etc. Its not a big deal, but I have to bring it up soon or else it will be.
Work is.. Work is..
Have you ever seen the movie office space? Well, I wish I had walls that high.I am the first person to start work in my department for 4 years. And that guy had a lot of previous experience working with credits and loans. There is a HUGE lack of training guides, explanatory sheets or the likes, and I'm starting to realize there's an abundance of things to learn. The only way I do learn at the moment is asking my peers, and even I'm getting sick of me for doing that. I'm thinking I will give it 1 more year.. 1.5 years can be considered experience if I want to do a masters program, or even if I want to apply for a new job. Who knows, things might start looking up here, and I stay. Right now I dont see it, but it could happen.
Still not "well". Trying to go for long walks, but end up with headaches the next day. Still keep going, like a man who dosnt know whats good for him. And I probably dont.