Aug 26, 2005 21:19
Sometimes i feel abit obsessed. Specially cause we havent talked in forever, cause...problems. Maybe its not obsession, its missing him that gets me reading them....blah..Yea yea, tell me "you only know him from the internet" but i dont care, doesnt mean you cant have feelings for someone you know just because its on the internet. so screw it...i give up on attempting to forget about him. So tempted to not even post this..but w/e I will, just because its here, and I'm here, and I don't care if people read it anymore. And I just need to talk, and feel like it got somewhere, I don't care if you read it or skip it. Or do nothing.
Mofo says:
Gasp :( someone from work brought their baby and i was playing with him so im slow thats why :p
Miki says:
hehe babies are sooo cute :) you like little kids?
Your message has been sent.
Mofo says:
One or 2 at a time. An army of them is a nightmare =/
Miki says:
hehe I used to help out at a daycare with the little ones like..1-4 yr olds.
Your message has been sent.
Mofo says:
Miki says:
yeup i luuurv kids they are eeeeeebil
Your message has been sent.
Mofo says:
Anything ebil is good
Miki says:
yep like yewwwww :D
Mofo says:
I figured that from yesterday :p you ARE. Dont make me hurt you =/
Miki says:
-weep- fiiiiiiine :F meanie head you win your royal ebilness
Your message has been sent.
Mofo says:
Miki says:
Your message has been sent.
Mofo says:
Aww im sorry. You can sniffle and cry all you like but i am not giving you this. Its too true :p
Miki says:
oo you cheeeeeeeeeater -flap- durn it usually works too ok fine i give
Your message has been sent.
Mofo says:
Ha you would usually win that way. I have to be strong on this one though
Miki says:
duh..thats the point! im always spposed ta win..duhh :F im the stubborn one here :P
Your message has been sent.
Deagooo (7:05:03 PM): haha
Deagooo (7:05:42 PM): I'm the one on the left in midair
Deagooo (7:05:43 PM): rofl
Miki Darkfeather (7:06:02 PM): -peer-
Deagooo (7:06:32 PM): look at my shiny steamlined body
Deagooo (7:06:35 PM): pose
Deagooo (7:06:42 PM): stream too
Miki Darkfeather (7:06:51 PM): heh
Miki Darkfeather (7:07:09 PM): you know im not lookin at it yet right?
Deagooo (7:07:21 PM): I know
Miki Darkfeather (7:07:37 PM): :F
Deagooo (7:07:40 PM): but I'm running away as soon as its finished
Deagooo (7:07:53 PM): time for me to go anyways
Miki Darkfeather (7:07:55 PM): =-O
Miki Darkfeather (7:07:56 PM): NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Miki Darkfeather (7:08:01 PM): -snuffle-
Deagooo (7:08:03 PM): up in 7 hours
Miki Darkfeather (7:08:06 PM): o
Deagooo (7:08:08 PM): need my oogleh sleep
Miki Darkfeather (7:08:12 PM): GET SLEEEEEEEEP LIL ONNNNNNE
Miki Darkfeather (7:08:15 PM): -HIDE-
Deagooo (7:08:38 PM): I will get my oogleh sleep
Deagooo (7:08:46 PM): yarp
Deagooo (7:09:16 PM): yawn
Miki Darkfeather (7:09:52 PM): Today is the Tomorrow you were worried about Yesterday!
Miki Darkfeather (7:09:59 PM): DUNT GOOOOOOOOOOO
Deagooo (7:10:08 PM): hafta
Miki Darkfeather received C:\My Documents\download\mikidarkfeather\IMGP0128. JPG (7:10:15 PM).
Deagooo (7:11:00 PM): woot for mothers holiday pictures
Deagooo (7:11:00 PM): duck
Miki Darkfeather (7:11:12 PM): hmm
Deagooo (7:11:22 PM): rofl
Deagooo (7:11:34 PM): pet
Miki Darkfeather (7:11:55 PM): WOW YER HOT lmao you DOLPHIN
Deagooo (7:12:16 PM): cackle
Swift Hawk89 (3:24:03 AM): what do you do for work
Deagooo (3:24:33 AM): I send legions of little plastic army men to obliterate my enemies
Deagooo (3:24:38 AM): namely the chip shop
Swift Hawk89 (3:24:39 AM): woot!
Deagooo (3:24:41 AM): yarr
Deagooo (3:30:11 AM): ooooooooooooooomg
Swift Hawk89 (3:30:14 AM): gooooooooo!
Deagooo (3:30:18 AM): I have to like go get ready
Deagooo (3:30:19 AM): and
Deagooo (3:30:31 AM): I have to FIND my sylvester and tweety tie
Deagooo (3:30:33 AM): so like
Deagooo (3:30:35 AM): bye!
Swift Hawk89 (3:30:38 AM): -ROFL-
Swift Hawk89 (2:28:41 AM): flap
Auto response from Deagooo (2:28:42 AM): wheeeeeeee gone for a shower and unlike meanie Erin, you are invited!
Swift Hawk89 (2:28:50 AM): WOOOOOOOOT! IM INVITED!
Deagooo returned at 2:47:28 AM.
Deagooo (2:48:11 AM): ooo
Auto response from Swift Hawk89 (2:48:11 AM): I'm sorry, I'm not here right now. Please leave your name, number, and the adress and I'll stalk you later. [Note:only if yer spurcial will you be stalked!]
as for can guess how he answered :P I'm not posting his info here. -eyeshift-
Miki says:
how are youuuuuu? miss me? :P
Your message has been sent.
14 days is too long to wait for Half-Life 2 says:
Still tired and bored home in a couple of hours. Yes you were missed too
Miki says:
you shouuuuuld uhh take a nap when you get to your house -sage- your tired!
Your message has been sent.
14 days is too long to wait for Half-Life 2 says:
Yea probably should but i never do whats good for me besides i always feel crap when i sleep for a short time and wake up
Miki says:
=o thennnn you should go to sleep earlier
Your message has been sent.
14 days is too long to wait for Half-Life 2 says:
Maybe but then id never see you
Miki says:
but you need sleeeeeep and sleep is always better :P and healthier! :D
Your message has been sent.
14 days is too long to wait for Half-Life 2 says:
Speaking to you is better and healthier for me
Miki says:
ooer...not really :P try not talking to me for 2 days then try not sleeping for two days sleep would win
Your message has been sent.
14 days is too long to wait for Half-Life 2 says:
Maybe so but that does not make it better
Miki says:
pff sure it does
Your message has been sent.
14 days is too long to wait for Half-Life 2 says:
Bleh no it does not
Miki says:
yesh it does your just in denial
Your message has been sent.
14 days is too long to wait for Half-Life 2 says:
Am not. Listen you dont make me come over there
Miki says:
oo i might like that :P
Your message has been sent.
Miki says:
lizardo says hi i woke her up!! wee im her alarm clock when we dont have school cackle
Your message has been sent.
14 days is too long to wait for Half-Life 2 says:
Sorry been rushing stuff hiii liz damn bugs didnt eat you huh? And i would like coming over there too
Miki says:
its ook and and liz said she doesnt sleep with damn bugs so they didnt eat her and and id rather go there :P
Your message has been sent.
14 days is too long to wait for Half-Life 2 says:
Damn we are so unlucky go plant some bugs in her bed with large teeth
Miki says:
yep ok
Your message has been sent.
14 days is too long to wait for Half-Life 2 says:
Swift Hawk89 (1:13:04 PM): i wanna watch.......aladin!
Deagooo (1:13:17 PM): yea
Deagooo (1:13:19 PM): go buy it
Deagooo (1:13:25 PM): somewhere will have it
Swift Hawk89 (1:13:28 PM): yea
Swift Hawk89 (1:13:30 PM): possibly
Deagooo (1:13:36 PM): definately :P
Swift Hawk89 (1:14:06 PM): id check blockbuster buuuuuuuuuut......i never get outa the house unless its for school soooooo i cant
Swift Hawk89 (1:14:07 PM): sage
Deagooo (1:14:22 PM): heh
Deagooo (1:14:29 PM): so go out for a change
Swift Hawk89 (1:14:42 PM): my rents wouldnt take me out --_--
Deagooo (1:14:50 PM): go yourself
Swift Hawk89 (1:15:06 PM): i cant drive?
Deagooo (1:15:56 PM): walk :P
Swift Hawk89 (1:16:06 PM): its far!!
Deagooo (1:16:15 PM): pff
Swift Hawk89 (1:16:16 PM): it takes me 45 minutes in a car to just reach the store --_--
Deagooo (1:16:22 PM): sooooo
Deagooo (1:16:28 PM): an hour and a half
Swift Hawk89 (1:16:31 PM): its further
Deagooo (1:16:31 PM): for aladin
Swift Hawk89 (1:16:32 PM): noooooo
Deagooo (1:16:35 PM): worrrrrth it!
Swift Hawk89 (1:16:36 PM): itd be like
Swift Hawk89 (1:16:38 PM): 4 days
Swift Hawk89 (1:16:41 PM): sage
Deagooo (1:16:48 PM): hahaha
Deagooo (1:16:53 PM): lazy bone
Deagooo (1:16:54 PM): s
Swift Hawk89 (1:17:10 PM): heck yea
Miki says:
i fell asleep at 7 and woke up at 3 -flap- i had a huuuuge headache so i was forced ta lay down :(
Your message has been sent.
peeved off just doesn't quite cut it says:
Aww *comfort* go back to sleeeep
Miki says:
nooooo not tired
Your message has been sent.
peeved off just doesn't quite cut it says:
Ooh i can tire you out
Miki says:
-rofl- that could be taken wrong :P -duck- nah i gotta put up with school dun tire me! -drink coffe-
Your message has been sent.
peeved off just doesn't quite cut it says:
It was meant to be taken wrong and you will let me tire you out one way or another
Miki says:
:F i figured. its not like i MEAN to tire you! you just get tired too easily -nod me- -tongue-
Your message has been sent.
peeved off just doesn't quite cut it says:
Gape i could out do you
Miki says:
could not :P im like the energizer bunny! -nod me- i keep goiing and going and going -cackle-
Your message has been sent.
peeved off just doesn't quite cut it says:
I could do with such a powerful thing to give me 'life'
Miki says:
Your message has been sent.
peeved off just doesn't quite cut it says:
You know you wanna charge me
Miki says:
damn howd you know! im chargin ya $100 an hour! -nod me- then ill be rich -cackle- =o howd you know i charge
Your message has been sent.
peeved off just doesn't quite cut it says:
Because you are mah ho
Miki says:
ooo ok that explains it
Your message has been sent.
peeved off just doesn't quite cut it says:
Yep it does. I cant afford to pay you this week im afraid
Miki says:
mhmm and do you expect to get free services or somethin, mr? -peer-
Your message has been sent.
peeved off just doesn't quite cut it says:
Of course i do
Swift Hawk89 (10:07:40 AM): awwwww
Swift Hawk89 (10:07:43 AM): my brothers crying
Swift Hawk89 (10:07:45 AM): cause hes sick
Deagooo (10:07:51 AM): most of these races have slow exp gain
Deagooo (10:07:52 AM): aww
Deagooo (10:08:00 AM): go to hiiiiiiiim
Deagooo (10:08:02 AM): shooo
Swift Hawk89 (10:08:08 AM): i diddddddd
Swift Hawk89 (10:08:12 AM): my moms talkin to him nowwwww
Deagooo (10:08:22 AM): ohh
Deagooo (10:08:28 AM): shes skiving!
Deagooo (10:08:30 AM): tsk
Deagooo (10:08:37 AM): GET TEH WORK MOMMA
Swift Hawk89 (10:09:17 AM): heh
Swift Hawk89 (10:09:22 AM): she doesnt hav to go till 12
Deagooo (10:09:30 AM): ah
Deagooo (10:09:40 AM): fair enough
Swift Hawk89 (10:09:45 AM): then im home alooooone with the babbbbbby
Deagooo (10:09:57 AM): my baby!
Swift Hawk89 (10:10:12 AM): -rofl- oh ok. with your baby
Deagooo (10:10:29 AM): yarr
Swift Hawk89 (11:44:17 AM): ok when my mom comes home ill tell her "mom ive gotta go to england asap"
Swift Hawk89 (11:44:20 AM): happy? :-D
Deagooo (11:44:38 AM): newp
Deagooo (11:44:44 AM): sit her on the computer chair
Deagooo (11:44:48 AM): and let me tell her
Swift Hawk89 (11:44:53 AM): hmm
Swift Hawk89 (11:44:57 AM): what would you tel her
Swift Hawk89 (11:44:59 AM): tell*
Deagooo (11:45:11 AM): you'd have to wait and see
Swift Hawk89 (11:45:16 AM): =-O
Swift Hawk89 (11:45:32 AM): :-(
Swift Hawk89 (11:45:36 AM): tell me nowwwwww
Deagooo (11:45:52 AM): NEWP!
Swift Hawk89 (11:46:02 AM): why not!
Deagooo (11:46:26 AM): hafta tell her first!
Swift Hawk89 (11:46:39 AM): why
Swift Hawk89 (11:46:41 AM): peeeeeeeeeeeer
Swift Hawk89 (11:47:15 AM): please?
Deagooo (11:47:22 AM): nay!
Swift Hawk89 (11:47:31 AM): -tear-
Deagooo (11:47:48 AM): aww
Deagooo (11:48:17 AM): I would only tell her to stick you on a plane first thing in the morning
Deagooo (11:48:19 AM): honest!
Swift Hawk89 (11:48:35 AM): yay
Deagooo (11:49:00 AM): snigger
Swift Hawk89 (11:49:03 AM): peeeeeeeer
Swift Hawk89 (11:49:54 AM): what else
Deagooo (11:49:54 AM): whe
Deagooo (11:51:00 AM): nerfin
Swift Hawk89 (11:51:03 AM): suuuuuuuuuure
Swift Hawk89 (12:46:09 PM): im coooooooooooking :-D
Deagooo (12:46:09 PM): pook
Deagooo (12:46:12 PM): eep
Deagooo (12:46:23 PM): who are you killing today?
Swift Hawk89 (12:46:27 PM): =-O
Deagooo (12:46:30 PM): hee
Swift Hawk89 (12:46:33 PM): meanie!
Swift Hawk89 (12:46:35 PM): -rofl-
Deagooo (12:46:46 PM): har!
Deagooo (12:54:00 PM): omg!
Deagooo (12:54:08 PM): yer so stubborn
Swift Hawk89 (12:54:11 PM): duh :-)
Deagooo (12:54:20 PM): I'm not!
Swift Hawk89 (12:54:40 PM): course ya are
Swift Hawk89 (12:54:47 PM): WOO MY BROTHER FEELS BETTER
Swift Hawk89 (12:54:56 PM): and yea your stubborn too
Swift Hawk89 (12:55:01 PM): im just worse ;-)
Deagooo (12:55:16 PM): psh
Deagooo (12:55:21 PM): I am not stubborn
Swift Hawk89 (12:55:25 PM): are too
Deagooo (12:55:28 PM): am not
Swift Hawk89 (12:55:30 PM): are too
Deagooo (12:55:33 PM): am not
Swift Hawk89 (12:55:36 PM): are too
Deagooo (12:55:38 PM): am not
Swift Hawk89 (12:55:40 PM): YES YOU ARE
Swift Hawk89 (12:55:45 PM): peer!
Deagooo (12:55:45 PM): no I am not
Swift Hawk89 (12:55:48 PM): yes you are
Deagooo (12:55:52 PM): no I am not
Swift Hawk89 (12:55:57 PM): you wouldve gave in already had you not been stubborn
Swift Hawk89 (12:55:59 PM): :-P
Swift Hawk89 (12:56:02 PM): yes you are
Deagooo (12:56:07 PM): would not
Deagooo (12:56:09 PM): am not
Swift Hawk89 (12:56:11 PM): are too
Deagooo (12:56:14 PM): am not
Swift Hawk89 (12:56:14 PM): would ot
Swift Hawk89 (12:56:15 PM): too*
Swift Hawk89 (12:56:18 PM): yes
Deagooo (12:56:19 PM): would not
Swift Hawk89 (12:56:20 PM): you wold
Deagooo (12:56:21 PM): no
Swift Hawk89 (12:56:21 PM): would
Deagooo (12:56:23 PM): I
Swift Hawk89 (12:56:24 PM): yes
Deagooo (12:56:25 PM): wouldnt
Swift Hawk89 (12:56:25 PM): you
Deagooo (12:56:27 PM): no
Swift Hawk89 (12:56:27 PM): would
Deagooo (12:56:28 PM): I
Swift Hawk89 (12:56:30 PM): yes
Deagooo (12:56:34 PM): ergh!
Swift Hawk89 (12:56:37 PM): rofl
Deagooo signed off at 12:56:38 PM.
Swift Hawk89 (12:56:42 PM): pff
Swift Hawk89 (12:56:46 PM): see? you are
Deagooo signed on at 12:56:49 PM.
Deagooo (1:10:13 PM): hm
Auto response from Swift Hawk89 (1:10:13 PM): not talking to the meanie head
Deagooo (1:10:20 PM): ok
Deagooo (1:10:23 PM): well
Deagooo (1:10:32 PM): the meanie head has to leave in a minute anyways
Deagooo (1:10:36 PM): sooooo
Deagooo (1:10:38 PM): byeee
Swift Hawk89 (1:11:08 PM): nooooo
Swift Hawk89 (1:11:21 PM): peer
Deagooo (1:11:32 PM): ahahaha
Deagooo (1:11:55 PM): that didn't last very long
Deagooo (1:12:03 PM): I'm just so damn adorable!
Deagooo (1:12:05 PM): ha
Deagooo (1:12:07 PM): rofl
Swift Hawk89 (7:10:35 PM): Deagooo (7:26:26 PM): I want MINNIE
Deagooo (7:10:36 PM): oh
Swift Hawk89 (7:10:41 PM): -hiss-
Deagooo (7:10:44 PM): hahaha
Deagooo (7:10:59 PM): pff
Deagooo (7:11:10 PM): what did you expect me to say?!
Deagooo (7:11:22 PM): she said you can have your picture taken with Mickey
Deagooo (7:11:29 PM): I want MINNIE
Deagooo (7:11:44 PM): Minnie over Mickey any day
Swift Hawk89 (7:11:47 PM): imbored792 (7:10:47 PM): DRESS UP AS MINNIE
imbored792 (7:10:50 PM): AND GO DOWN THERE
imbored792 (7:10:59 PM): AND BE LIKE.... YOU WANT ME?
Deagooo (7:11:53 PM): probably every day but thats beside the point
Deagooo (7:12:17 PM): you could just come as yourself and ask