Nov 26, 2005 10:04
I know just about everyone can probably top me with crazy family stories and what not, but...SO I decided that since I wouldn't be having thanksgiving at the hunting lease as usual I would just go hunting in thr morning and take a nap and go to work. Decided against that and went to my mom's house cause she wouldn't get to go to the lease either. Well, she decided not to go, cause it would be cold, and she hates the friggin cold, plus she has been essentially diagnosed with fibromyalgia(failure of the myalin sheath on the nerves), so the cold bothers her double time. I cooked a little bit of lunch and she whipped up a pie. It was nice and we watched a movie. Then 20 minutes after I leave groucho my cat walks in with a snake bite. This is the 2nd cat that this has happened to. So my mom calls Darrell and he puts it down, nothing else they could have done, but to watch it suffer and die. Then no one at the lease does thanksgiving that night, which seemed like a bummer to Darrell, especially after putting a .38 into the back of a cats head. I also bet that either none of my mom's family called her or that her mother called her which is worse. So I go to work at 2 that day and my mom calls me and tells me about the cat! Great now I know my cat is dead and I am at work, couldnt react. I just wish I could have normal holidays, I enjoy them so much. well when they go normal, or atleast seminormal.
There also has been so much going on at the house. Just seems like no one is really talking to each other. Yeah some of us do, or maybe just for a few minutes, or even a quick couple of sentences. Marshall is at work or with ashlee all the time, Baine has his problems he is dealing with, as we all are, etc etc,. But just like tonya it seems like I found a family type thing. I guess I would like it that way because, for two reasons, my real family is very very tiny, Essentially my mom and Darrell, whom I dont see much, and cause it seemed like it was going that way. We all helped each other, blah blah blah. It was nice, but damn that didn't last long. Schedules, priorities, and growing up and differently. I figured a long while a go this might happen with a bunch off ppl just coming into their own, some never having even really lived on their own and dealing with real life situatios, no not someone trying to do something dramatic to you, but regular stuff like bills, grocery shopping, and finding time in between all the neccessaries to find a life. What I guess I am saying is that I wanted this house to be a family that is better than any of our screwed up "real" families and that we could count on and support each other, but by either nature or nurture, or whatever sociological cliche you want to use, we have become our families. With all the problems, insecurities, and the regular shortfallings of an everyday family.
There are 6 ppl who live here, and it seems like each problem of each person is fixable by five other sets of eyes. I am guilty of it too. Everyone here has a problem right now that is very important, and it seems like it easily fixable by everyone els. This really has not been vocalized to me persay, but in those cases that have and the vibe from the others it seems like we all know what to do for each other person, and no clue what to do with ourselves. Advice or commands aren't taken easily. Especially coming from a person with a big problem but cant handle the simple solution. The real problem, and I have no quick easy solution, is that there is no communication. No one is letting on to how they feel. I know sounds kind of gay, but even to the simple fact of say, "hey that pissed me off", or "but I don't want that to happen" Seems like we are teetering on the brink of a breakdown and everyone is handling it the not approach the situation at all. Maybe thats the best right now.I know with me its bleeding over into other areas of my life, this avoidance thing. I just wish we could trust each other....