January the 16 and the 17: Gah my head

Jan 17, 2009 19:47

Owie, I have a headache so I can't make a review post like I planned, I swear, I always get headaches on the days I plan to do this stuff, grumble grumble.
Anyway, didn't post last night so, well, I did this after I got off the computer any way, but I tried out my new sewing machine. -_- Grr, I thought this one was supposed to be an obideant slave, not a pretty face with a rebellious mind! Gaahhh, I'm having issues with the bobbin (the top side will sew and look fine, but everything will pucker and loop and I have no idea why. Well, I know it has something to do with the bobbin, but the bobbin is on it's side so I can't simply look at it and go "oh, it's stuck, lets wiggle this out..." like I could with my mom's. Actually, with hers, as temperamental and old as it is, I had gotten to the point that if something didn't work I could figure out what was wrong and fix it pretty fast. But this one is fa~ast! I stepped on it like I would on my mom's to make it go slow and man, I must've had to stomp on that old thing. XD So yeah, attempted to use it to help with my cosplay but it's proving to be a bit of a bother.
Not that I got much cosplay stuff done today. I fully intended too, but when my cat woke me up this morning I was going to go back to sleep but realized it was pretty cold. Drank some water from my cup and went yeah, it is cold. Let the cat in, made sure the power was on, and go back to sleep. My mom looks on in my later and I ask if the furnace broke (this literally happens once per winter, no wait, last year it was the hot water heater, but that was unusual) and she says yes, it's 55 degrees in the house and 46 in her bedroom (which used to be the garage). *shivers* So I couldn't feel my fingers until about 2 this afternoon and couldn't sew at all (and learned the real meaning of ice melt, that was my face washing water this morning).
Let's see, because of how long it took with the furnace today (looks like we need a new one, I know I know, I'll get working on those scholarship thingies) we didn't do much. We did head over to the mall where my brother wanted to get an xbox 360 (but it was going to cost almost as much as a new one to get all the used parts so he and my mom held off) while I bough Chobits: Your Eyes Only artbook with the 10% off B&N coupon I got from the tokyopop mailing list today.
Signing off, gonna see if I can find more Zoku Natsume Yujincho....

furnace, manga, gaming, cold, sewing, headache, chobits, machine

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