September 3rd: I freeze all day in school...

Sep 03, 2008 18:29

... and then sweat the entire bus ride home! Seriously, it was a bit of a cool August and AS SOON AS it became September, bam, it's hot again! I suppose it's a good thing for my art class, we are using light sensitive paper, the kind that need sunlight and then plain water for developing, so I guess all the sun is a good thing. Got a funny picture of me today in a sun hat and with these red-tinted, hippy sunglasses that is super exposed and pretty vivid coloring, I'm actually thinking of trying to use it for my photo.
In related school is trying to kill me. I now have to have 15 service hours from serving in a political campagin, due November 10th, and the week of the election is my Winterim! Gaahhh, I want to have free time for sewing and for other fun stuff, not all school work! And of course the more school work I get the more I go on the internet, my own version of escapisim, not quite sure if you would say it works or not.
So, to cheer myself up and make you guys laugh, here are some funny quotes from the AZ forums over the past few days:

Nathan Cross: >.> I still have all my Yugioh cards from high school. xD
Writing Otaku: I still have pokemon cards from elementary school.
Cross: Upon going through them recently, though, I am displeased to know that some went missing.
WOku: I don't keep track of mine well enough to know. They're hidden in my closet somewhere.
Cross: Which brings us to our next news report....
*puts on business suit* Gay Pokemon cards. Should they have the same rights as other gaming cards in our country?
Morangias: -comes out from the side in a business suit-
Them "Pokey-man" cards were bad enuff! Now them blasted things are gay!? I say we end this right now and NOT give 'em the same rights! They be differen' from society!
Cross: That's a pretty strong opinion, sir. What makes you say such things?
Moran: I said, THEY BE DIFFEREN' FROM THE REST OF US! And differen' don't belong here! Send them darn cards to Canada!
TheDarkRabbit: Pans over to A large moniter with TDR in a rain coat on it with a bunch of cards and toys protesting in the back ground.
"I am here at the local toys R us where a riot has broken out on the discrimination of the gay pokemon cards.
What started as a conversation between ken and barbie has erupted into violence that engulphed the pink isle and then the whole store.
The carnage is unbelivable over turned isles Match box cars over turned and burning . The last of the groups have raided the lego area and now sit behind these hevily fortified multi colored walls flinking rubber balls insults and other less savory things from a betsy wetsy and baby alive isles .
This tense stand off it being watched by the store employees with a great deal of shock and awe. Nearly every toy has taken a side here with the only eception being the Nintendo toy line . With suck toys as the mario brothers line being accused of being rife with phallic symbols and inuendo this long after its release they feel they cannot get involved in another riot like this and have remained aside trying to not get involved.
This is TDR at the local Toys R Us turning this back over to the studio."

Lol, and that is why I love my random forums, the only conversation that I hear that are NEARLY as good are those of my lunch table, apparently Furbies still work even without battries is what I learned today...
Signing off!

hot, random conversation, cold, school, animazement, pokemon

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