April 20th: I HATE COLLARS!

Apr 20, 2008 19:03

Grumble, I hate collars. They aren't hard to sew (heck, almost nothing is actually hard to sew, making sure you don't get your finger sewn is another thing entiretly) but it is hard to take an ugly collar and then draw out the new collar, cut off excess fabric, pin, and then re-pin so that all of the raw edges are folded under (found out about those the hard way once...). It is simply very tedious and I haven't been able to do any other sewing because of it, although I'm going to try later (and I also have to read about the Gulf of Tonkin for history class...).
Today was quite in other terms, it rained last night and a good deal today, my mom and I were caught in the downpour as we were returning clothes at the mall (outdoor mall) and we went to a later mass, although I swear that one is longer, a tradeoff for more sleep I guess (although I woke up around 6:50 orginally this morning, I would have gone back to sleep after I pulled off the extra blankets but NOOOOOO, my brother decides "Hey, I'm going to get up now and I sound like 10 elephants stumbling about while whistling!" so yeah, dreamer was not please).
Not much else to say, watched Allison and Lilla, interesting so far, I see why everyone says it looks a bit like Miyzaki. Oh and I got to see the avatar trailers today. FTW! Except it looks like Viacom really is run by a bunch of "insert dereogatory term of your choice here* and they aren't going to premier the new episodes until July. JULY! And the DVDs for the entire season are going to be out by June! Seriously, forget shooting yourself in the foot, they're shooting themselves in the chest here! My mom and I are trying to figure out ways to show how stupid they are to their investors, yes my mom is encouraging me to take on a big tv company. Actually, scratch encouraging, she's the one who suggested it!
Signing off!

avatar: the last airbender, anime, cosplay

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