there were technical difficulties at my house. Meaning my mom was giving the final to her online class and NOBODY could access it. Cue lots of freaking out (more on the internet than real life though) and my brother and I had to stay away.
But I have a whole day before that to tell you about so here it goes!
Woke up around 9 after going to bed around midnight (realllly gotta break that habit) and got up since I was supposed to meet Olive and a bunch of other people for brunch for her birthday. So I get over to the little resturant place and find A LOT of people there. We fit 13 people at a table for 8 or 10 and by the time we left we then had 16 people, all of us in high school and 15 or 16 years old (I was most likely the oldest there). And Olive and her brother (they're twins) know some nice/hyper people so it was fun, and I actually knew about half the people there. I knew those two (duh), 2 guys who also went to our middle school (and they ride my bus), another set of twins whom they had invited to the pool a lot this summer (and I recognized them this time!), and two more people from their school's singing group, magicals. So I had a good time. It took them a while to get all of our orders (everyone ordered pancakes or waffles), blew those party curly thing (the ones that always go "boo-wuu" in the cartoons), after one of the girls mentioned that they need Viagra of course, and I heard some funny stories.
For instance (this was the person who made the Viagra joke) they had no left side of their house right now do to construction (someone interjected that they had a port-a-potty in the driveway) and she was looking for her dad so she went to ask one of the workers if he knew where he was. However, most of these workers don't speak English (she said she was totally serious when she said that their names were Felipe, Juan, Diego, and some other very Mexican name) and so when she asked in English he didn't know what she was saying. So she was thinking of how to say "papa" in Spanish, but she couldn't quite remember the accent on it was so she was worried if she was saying "potato." So she asks "Donde esta me papa?" and he points down so she goes to the basement, and she said that their potatoes were also down there but he wouldn't know that unless "he had some kind of weird potato fetish that made him have to know where people store their potatoes" but she found her dad and he checked later and yes she had said it right.
If know, not a very remarkable story, but I like how it shows a random thought it someone's mind, most people aren't worried about their construction workers having a potato fetish when asking where their dad is. It just that little detail that you never find in books that isn't quite normal in life, but it's what makes so many of our lives normal.
Anyway, we finished and a lot of them were planning to see Juno but since I had to walk home (my mom was teaching until 1:30) I didn't feel like I could see it. And also it was Juno, and even though I really liked it I don't like seeing the same movie twice. And also, even though everyone was really nice and everything, I would have felt just too imposing there, I can't help but remember that I don't really know most of these people well and I'm a year above them at a different high school. I know that shouldn't make a difference, but it was just so ODD to me to be with a group of people I didn't really know and they were so nice and weird and accepting. Scratch that, it was so weird to be with PEOPLE outside of school.
Yeah, you're probably wondering if I'm anti-social or anything and I'm not, it's just that none of my friends live close to me (my friends live anywhere from 4 miles to 800 miles away from me, the average distance being about 20 or 40 miles). But since the movie didn't start for a while we decided to just walk around the mall (it's an open mall spread over about a mile and it was COLD that day). And of course, since it was me, when we were making sure we weren't going to get run over (we were walking through a lot of parking lots) I had weird conversations, like this one:
Guy: Man are they ever going to finish those shops over there.
Someone else: Maybe not.
Me: Maybe it's like that hospital in Harry Potter, the one which is in the unused department store.
Guy: You know I bet that *large grocery store* has a really big basement to hide stuff in.
Me: Yeah! They could be hiding like the mafia or their weapons down there.
Guy: And you can only the access the basement from somewhere in the store.
Me: Let's find it!
Guy: I bet it's in the yogurt section or something, you stick your arm in and-
Me: Like in the orange juice commerical!
Guy: Yeah, never got why they did that anyway.
Me: Yeah, I never got why people would go "Hey I don't see any orange juice but I'm going to stick out my arms all the way anyway." I personally would freak out and be like "Ahhhh, zombie arms!"
Guy: The people in that commercial really do act like it's such a normal thing for trees to suddenly grow arms and you just give them juice.
NOTE: The reproduction of this conversation is approximinated, I can't remember if we actually said "yeah" that many times...
So we walked around, broke the ice on the fountain, wondered why no one store the money out of the fountain like in "The mixed up files of Ms. Rotliwer E. Wiser" or whatever the book is called (we had read it but no one remembered what it was about, shame since I never finished it, the book made no sense to me).
After a while I started the walk home (took about 30 minutes so it was a little over a mile) and it felt so good to be walking actually. If I was to be in a fantasy story I would want it to be one of those ones where the person is traveling all over and has just random, memorable encounters. Just some normal, some mystical, and some downright odd.
Would you guys consider me really strange if I tell you that Miaziki (know I KNOW I misspelled that one) movies make me want to travel? Especially if they have rice patties in them? XD It's true, no idea why but then I just wanna leave the house and GO. Screw 1000 places to see before you die, I'm gonna see the world!
Anyway, everything else was quite, started reading Emma online (but I haven't gotten past chapter 4, the website I read it on, goes down a lot) and I'm not sure if I like it or not. I probably will, but I find the art style interesting. What I mean by that is it seems to take the Japanese manga thing (it is Japanese) and combine it with the more Western style (that's how I see it) of using lots of screentones for background objects which gives them an interesting look. You can see what I mean with Platinum Garden as well and in Drama Con as well. But DC is interesting, it's, well, Western (the artist is from Russia, lives in Canada and publishes for an American company, no idea what to call that) and that art really seems to start blending Japanese manga with some American ideas. For instance, in the chapter in volume two when they are in the rain, you can see some of the Western comic influences on them. Or in the scene in volume three where everything seems like patches in the black and you don't know whose viewpoint it is, those harsh lines really remind me of what I've seen of the old American Superhero comics, vivid contrasts of black and white with bold, slashing lines.
So yeah, that was Friday, less happened on Saturday. I got up at 7 for the SATs left the house and got to the high school (Olive and co.s high school actually, also where I took Drivers Ed) and sat down in the audiotorium. About a minute later the vampire squezes by and sits next to me! I was surprised and remarked to him that I didn't know he was taking the SATs today, he said that he didn't know either. So we chatted until we went to the rooms about cats (his knows that it is his job to feed it and will scramble up to his loft bed and go "Hi. Merwro, merwro." until he feeds it) and driving permits (on his social security card they spelled his middle name "Josepf" instead of "Joeseph" so he is having to go through all the paper work for the permit. Doesn't help that his mom's birth certificate was damaged and re-written in crayon so she doesn't quite exist either...).
Anyway, went to my room (only got a tiny bit turned around too, sweet!) and someone said hi to me as I was walking to my desk, and it was one of my classmates! And another one showed up a minute later, but she had gone to the same middle school as I had so that wasn't as surprising (this school was about 5 miles from the middle school).
The SATs were dull, tedious (it took us a little over 3 hours in actual exam time, we got there at 7:45, exams started at 8:15, and we got out at 12:50). The essay was first and so easy, it was to write about if it was better to be original or to imitate, and it was about the lengh of an answer I would give on a history test (so the front of a loose-leaf page or about a page and a half in a bluebook).
Then came intermittent grammer and math, both were fairly easy, but the math had some problems where I just went "Huh?"and tried to figure out what the heck I was supposed to do.
When I got home I found my brother lying in the bathroom (he's not feeling so well, but he hasn't puked yet). Quite day spent reading, went to my dad's house this evening and we went to this GIANT booksale in a local synaguoe (I'm not Jewish, if I was I would know how to spell that word). Got "All creatures Wise and Wonderful" a James Herriot book (I love them, they are such slice of life books) and this giant coffee table book about dogs. What can I say, I'm a sucker for books with big pictures. And no one looked at me funny for wearing a pink shirt that said "Shojo your Mojo" (I got hot so I took my sweatshirt and coat off but it's COLD outside). My dad did hav two people offer to buy the hulkin' HUGE dictionary he got, but he kept it.
My mom currently had Ted over, dreamer is not happy especially with her brother feeling sick. Screw that, I just don't like him coming over, but like I've said before, I can't tell my mom that "Mom I hate to see how happy and carefree you are around him since it reminds me constantly that my life will never be the same and I don't know why I was even born."
Yeah, grounded for a week and taken to a physcaistrst at that point (although my friends tell me that they can be very nice, yes you can start giggling).
Speaking of laughing, I have found that reading the "weird looks you get in public" threads on are HILARIOUS! All the stories there, and they just remind me of the crazy world I have decided to join. Oh and on they have this thing called ANN TV and they have added a segment called "The anime jump show" and god, I don't think I can look at Moe (or toast for that matter) the same way again. Here's the link to that episode, hope it works off!
, Ted