BOO-YAH MY EXAMS ARE OVER BABY! And I get to sleep in tomorrow! *dances* But I can't on Saturday, I have to be at the public high school at frikkin 7:45 in the morning for the SATs! Seriously, there have been all of these studies done about how teenagers need to sleep in later to do better. Sooo why are we getting up waaayyyy to early then? My mom thinks it's because of sports but I say screw sports, if your team can't do well without you for one game then they NEED you not to be there just so they can get better on their own, not just lean on you the entire time!
Well, I'm getting ahead of myself anyway, back to what happened today. I finished my chem exam with about 30 seconds to go, about half the class was still working at the bell. I think I actually left one problem unfinished but I couldn't figure out how to do it. I had tried two different ways, but the percents weren't adding up to a hundred so I know it was wrong. And then I spent about an hour and a half in the library in the second half. I was able to upload about 5 pictures to deviant art (you can check out my page, but I'm going to try to re-load the pictures later, they turned out kinda blurry when I transfered them to the school computers). And then one of the, um, I think she is a teacher but I'm not quite sure, saw me reading HunterxHunter, asked which one it was and I found out that her son, daughter, and husband all read manga and watched anime! No idea on how old the kids are, but she said that it was her daughter who got them all into it. I'm getting this feeling that there are a lot more underground otaku in NC than you would think...
Oh and I found this cool story on yahoo about how a girl's blood type has somehow spontaneously and completely changed it's type! It's the first time this has ever been recorded and that could help sooooo much in blood transfusions and (I bet) in organ donations. We are an odd and changing speacies...
Signing off!
Oh and I started reading Emma today, think I like it so far...