Just an update, I'm tryong to update everyday but I really need to get in the habit of it. Anyho, some interesting events over the past few days. One, my brother and I were watching Naruto on Saturday (the English dub that appears on Cartoon Network) and halfway though the episodes it blacks out *cue yelling from my brother and I* So they run it through again, and it blacks out in the same, exact spot. So they just cut to the credits, and my brother and I have to go to youtube to see the rest of the episode. Shader-satan was apparently running around yelling "I am the ultimate hackzor!" at this time, but I was able to confirm with one of my friends who was watching it that yes, the station did short out. Very annoying....
And even more annoying ALLERGY SEASON! I was miserable for two days as "record pollen causes discomfort for millions in the south" according to the national news (I live NC) and even my medicine didn't help. Then we realized, the medicine we were giving me was some of my test medicine from last year when mine wasn't working so well. And now that I am taking the right medicine I can breath and not hack up my own spit from coughing. Eww.
One last note of interest, after listening to a preacher in church explain how people are dust and to dust we shall return, I now am worried about dead people living under my bed (hey, he was the one who made THAT connection). Oh, and after my brother kept asking "Where did Kyorge come from?" while we were watching part of the new Pokemon movie (hmm, my pokemon nerd has been very active lately...) we have now decided that Lyroge lives under his bed.
I'll explain tomorrow, now that is it wartm at my house (80 degrees baby!) I tend to get more hyper....