October the 14th: Wish I'd seen more people wearing pink today

Oct 14, 2010 23:35

The Women's Center was having an event today where people were supposed to wear pink to raise awareness about breast cancer and such but I'm sad I didn't see many people wearing pink.* Hopefully we'll have more people wearing purple on the 20th in memory of the six gay kids who committed suicide in September (WTF, THIS IS 2010 PEOPLE, GROW SOME TOLERANCE ALREADY!), it's so easy to do yet I don't see enough people doing it.
Anyway, switched photo teachers today in Black and White so we spent most of today getting to know our new one. I foresee this being another teacher who I'm pretty much on good terms with but have no hesitation to argue with (just because you're my teacher doesn't make you infallible ya know...). Already had one, erm, not a spat and not quite a misunderstanding, I think my teacher really wants us to go out and take film photos but doesn't want to come out and say it so when I tried to get a definite yay or nay he just says "You're a photographer aren't you?" Well yes, I'm a photography student who can't cash her paychecks and doesn't want to make the choice between buying film and having money for a bus ticket home. Money isn't quite the dire but I'm really trying to buy just what I need and if you say I need more film I will get it! Just, be straight with me, I'm not going to hate you for it.
After that it was running around getting money for laundry, trying to get in contact with the Women's Center about a joint program with the knitting club (finally got some email addresses from them after going by two or three times when it was closed), rejoiced when a new Shiki episode appeared (seriously, not much actually happened in terms of plot advancement but that one episode was so much better than most of the new series this season), cursed when I found out we have ANOTHER hiatus, and then went to History of Photography. I'm a little peeved, between class and the textbook we seem to have nearly completely skipped the 1920s and, since my NaNo this year deals with a photographer in the 1920s, I'm a bit baffled and wondering where the heck I can do some reading up on the era. I guess I should make some references to modernism then but this character is a photojournalist who doesn't even really like her job, I don't think debates on modernism are really going to come up. At least I have a basic idea of what cameras/technology were available at the time but I'll do some reading on that too, should probably do reading for the paper before that though. And in the evening I went to a photo demonstration on Leica cameras and I didn't really get anything out of it. Doesn't help that I have zero interest in a $23,000 camera (and the fact that the photographers through these numbers around so lightly makes me want to cry, my mom doesn't make nearly that much in a year and it just feels wrong that one piece of technology, short of a space shuttle, should cost that much). He did say "no client is going to care what camera you use," or something like that so you know what? I'm going to go shoot the GORGEOUS fall scenery around here (seriously, words fail me at this point, this is THE reason why I came to a school in the mountains and I was so depressed that I missed this last year) and simply not care whenever anyone starts going off about what kind of camera they use. I'm going to some other demo tomorrow (as far as I can tell it's just a fancy remote) so hopefully I'll get more out of that, at least I have one handwarmer almost finished so I should have the set complete by knitting club Monday and my dues for the year will be paid.
Gah, one more day and then ANOTHER crazy weekend. I'm starting to get annoyed at how full my weekends are, I don't get to catch up on my sleep or see my friends enough yet I find myself putting off homework none the less, I'm way too young to be cynical and say that I don't get anything out of weekends but I really don't.

*I did, my Oma has caught breast cancer twice through self checks and according to my mom self checks would've saved my great-grandmother as well since apparently the tumor was as big as a grapefruit when she passed away. Apparently the women in my family usually have good sized boobs which makes me wonder what happened to the genetics when they hit my generation (at least smaller boobs make catching breast cancer early a bit easier, I'm terrified of getting it when I'm older or of my mom getting it).

history of photography, club, shiki, anime, nanowrimo, photography, black and white photography, lgbtq, knitting

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