August the 22nd: Just realized that my dates have been a little mixed up

Aug 23, 2010 23:03

But with only getting my dates mixed up once or twice in three and a half years I think I'm not doing so badly. So, the reason I didn't post last night was because I was dead tired (hoping my neighbors are quieter tonight, I had to ask them to quiet down this morning and one of the girls apologized later, the walls seem to be even thinner here than they were in my last dorm) from everything that was going on. I swear, in the past few days my life has been trying to make up for all the social interaction I missed over the summer so I'm at least running into nearly everyone and been fairly busy (not that I'm complaining, although I suspect this year will be busier for me in general than last year, I'm just hoping I don't get so bored on the weekends again).
So yesterday I slept in a little and muddled around my room until noon when stuff normally opens on campus (I wanted to hit up the library briefly and see if I had any books to purchase at the bookstore) but of course nothing opened until one on this one day. Went for a walk around campus and ran into one of the girls from my floor last year, Kat, who'd I'd gotten along with fairly well. Turns out that she's in the dorm connected to mine and it sounds like our rooms are nearly identical (which would explain something, I'd heard that dorm had the smallest rooms on campus but people weren't sure if my dorm did as well, seems like the two dorms are really similar), she's even having to drape the cord for her minifridge over her bed as well! So we chatted, exchanged FB names and then went on our separate ways, I finally got into the bookstore and it seems like I don't have any new books to buy this semester, even for Japanese we're using the same text book/work book that we did last year (and I never throw out language notes, they're about the only notes you actually need years later).
I was supposed to meet up with Liz and Carrie at some point for lunch or dinner but she was going to something with her floor instead (totally understandable) and Breaugh invited me for dinner so I went over there (after running into Emily while buying carrots and chatting with her, apparently her roommate situation never did get resolved and now she's also having all sorts of trouble with her study abroad papers, lovely) and I hung out with them for a bit. Later on I went to this little carnival with sorts and was hanging out with a number of people for that (mainly Chynna and Caitlyn actually, her rainbow dyed hair looks pretty cool in person) and we all played silly carnival games, pooled our tickets so Chynna could get a small prize, went and gambled (I found it harder to lose money than any of y'all would believe) and those of us left pooled our money for Caitlyn to get a voucher for the auction but, since the rave was still going on and it was getting late we all ended up going back to our dorms where Caitlyn and I spammed each other with silly pictures. XD
And I need to get to bed right about now if I want to get enough sleep for class tomorrow. And I only realized today that my "five minutes is late and two lates equals an absence" teacher teaches the class right after my Japanese and on the other side of campus, I can probably make it there in time if I run but I'm going to talk to him after the first class to see if we can work anything out, although I doubt it. Most of my teachers aren't nearly as nice as my mom and have some sort of complex that their class is uber special and missing it is a crime. Yes I know, you're class is important but so are all my others and I'm certainly not trying to either be late or kill myself running around with a full pack up and down these mountains. Gah, wish I'd noticed that earlier when I was planning classes, I was too busy trying to make sure they weren't at the same time to realize that art class=art building=opposite side of campus. Blaaaahhhhh.

facebook, dinner, college, dorm, hanging out, class, friends

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