I almost always roll my eyes (usually mentally though) when someone talks about an either or option, as if there is nothing they can do otherwise. I ascribe to the
XKCD train of thought that there is always at least a third option (violence!), but even then I think that's pretty limited. I was thinking of that because today Ted was having a little fun with me by wheeling his wheelchair back and forth so he blocked a narrow part of the kitchen and I couldn't get to the family room (this was all in fun BTW). So, instead of asking polietly or leaving (the normal two options) he and my mom (who was watching this) thought I would get violent instead (option three) and were pretty amused when I instead jumped up on the table next to him and crawled over to the family room. Apparently I made it look easy to, considering I had to jump over all the recycling and the table wobbles like crazy I do wonder at their definition of "easy." But anyway, that's how I see the world, plenty of other options out there if you're strange enough to follow through.
Let's see, when I wasn't jumping over furniture I was reading Black Powder War and cleaning the car. Good lord, in addition to be a crappy car in general (apparently when my dad started his job in Cleveland someone from GM came and apologized for how crappy the Malibu was) Chevy Malibu's have a ton of grooves that really gather dirt in them. Probably took me close to an hour to get all of the car, thank god that none of the tires were really dirty and my mom understood that I couldn't get all of the roof because I'm short like that. But she did pay me $10 for the whole thing, six of that pays her back for the last volume of Key to the Kingdom (hmmm, I completed a manga series, does that mean a review soon I wonder?) and I need to check with her to see how much she owes me for the windows and I'll get to those last ones if the weather holds tomorrow (plus I finally remembered to use the clip on bug repellent and that seemed to work well, the bugs have really been going after me this year and they were especially loud this morning so I was worried about that).
So, not much else to say and I expect I'll be getting off soon. Usually I read manga late but a lot of scanlator sites have been going down (more than I expected to be honest) so I guess I'll really be reading less manga these days (pst, companies, can you PLEASE just start your own sites with the latest chapters, some of my series don't have regular updates anyway and I'd put up with your ads and crappy flash based players to read them!).