June the 24th: Continuing with the not-busy days

Jun 24, 2010 23:42

Got over to Goodwill and grabbed a t-shirt to modify for the Yanma gijinka but it needs to go through the wash first. Got the hat washed for Erika, I'll start working on that tomorrow (probably need to alter the brim which makes me worried that I'll mess up). Went to library, discovered that the library volunteer coordinator once accidentally argued with the Mafia (and who says libarians aren't awesome?) and got a volunteer form for my brother. They seemed pretty happy at the idea of having my brother volunteer as well, sounds like they're short-handed (so, all is normal). And I got to work the cash register, after being re-briefed, and said that I'd only had to work the credit once in the previous two summers I'd volunteered, guess what the first customer has as a source of payment?
Man, I keep starting these entries earlier and then getting sidetracked, need to work on that. And I, well, don't want to admit it but, pretty much have given up on getting the nanomango done in time. I'm still doing it, but I'm having such a hard time getting poses right (normally I'd try to get a picture of me doing it to use as a reference but, with a crappy camera, that's not really going to work). I swear, I am going to work on it and I am going to get better at all of this, just need to come up with a new kind of approach.
So, signing off, maybe food before bed and I need to kick the kitty off for sure. Stupid cat tried to wake up my brother (who's door is about 10 feet down from mine) at 7:45 this morning just because he wants everyone to get up at their normal times. Crazy cat.

volunteer, cat, durarara, booklover's cafe, brother, pokemon, cosplay

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