June the 17th: Have I mentioned how many people have found me on FB after AZ?

Jun 17, 2010 23:08

Because it's really quite remarkable that a number of people did. XD Then again I know some of these people pretty well and the stranger my friends page the better!
Nothing really happened today, I made some sewing progress, it didn't rain (huzzah!), and I got a response back from the other email about volunteering at the library so I should start that next week (no new form necessary). Going to see Toy Story 3 with Chynna tomorrow so that should be fun, better make sure to vacuum my room first and get the cat hair off my bed. Cleaned the kitchen floor to get ticket money (not expensive tickets but still). It's not quite correct to say I have no money now, I have money which I can't really reach and is spoken for a camera later in the summer. Still hoping I make some money this summer but I guess I'll have to try and pull off having five classes (two of which are studio), a few clubs (which don't take much time honestly) and a job in the fall. Plus friend time but, like the clubs actually, that's usually around the same day/time every week so I am confident I can make that work.
Final note, did I ever mention that I've trained my cat to do a few tricks. I can make him shake paws (well, it's more like he doesn't mind) and, if he comes into my room late at night (like now) I can pat the bed and he'll jump up. Actually, he usually won't jump up unless I do that, so maybe I trained him to be polite instead. Signing off, hopefully tomorrow will make up for a dull week.

volunteer, cat, movie, facebook, toy story, chores, animazement, booklover's cafe

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