June the 4th: Only got a few applications in today

Jun 05, 2010 00:40

Had a butterfly SIT in my hair tonight and that was kinda freaky. I wasn't even using the new deep cleaning shampoo with "masculine scent" that my mom and I picked up at Walmart. Hadn't been aware that pine sap was such a manly scent but okay, what ever y'all say.
Filled out a few applications, found more than are online only which I'll do tomorrow/today, and did some handsewing today. Found a book that has all these cute Japanese candy inspired designs for, well, stuff, and I'm working on some of them to use up the scraps of fabric I have lying around (never thought I would find a use for that brocade). Tedious but hopefully rewarding, between that and my knitting I should be able to keep myself entertained. Also getting back into the swing of reading, missed that and I think I found some interesting books.
It's late, I shall relate the art studio tomorrow and get to work on those reviews/con report. GAH, I WILL do this. Very soon. Just a matter of priorities I suppose.
Signing off!

reading, bug, japanese, sewing, art gallery, knitting, hair

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