May the 3rd: So much stuff @_@

May 03, 2010 23:59

Gah, more unpacked today and sorted (plus two loads of laundry) but I still have tons to go. Really need to clean out my entire room this summer as well, I've got a ton of stuff to start with and need to work on that pack rat tendencies again. Gah, it's so much easier in the dorms since I have less space that I have to make the decisions more often (although, as just proved, I can still fit a ton of stuff in there). Guess I know what I'll be doing this week, really feel like I'm at loose ends now and then freak out when I think about job hunting, never a fun place to be.
So, it was really nice to be in my own bed last night (I have a pretty firm mattress to start with but the ones at school are something else) and it's so much quieter at home. Darker too, don't have to worry about the light leaking under the door or the roomies electronics glowing. And I've been petting/cuddling Midnight tons (plus Gracie and we now have yet another cat that visits our yard, must be all the birdies there). Got to the used bookstore in the evening but they wouldn't take my TRC single (DVD, no idea why) or my guide to the 60s but my mom offered me $10 for that. Did end up buying the first set of Ghost Hound which I guess is my first blind buy. I'm really curious about it and, if I don't like it, well, I can probably sell it back somewhere. It is coming out again soon with a dub so hopefully that won't hurt my chances of resell, let's hope I just like it enough to keep anyway shall we?
And I guess I'll head off to bed in a few minutes, not really anything to do except be glad that I have my butterfly chair back in my room (leaving that behind next year since it's the best thing at home to use in my room for sitting with the laptop, short of dragging a pillow onto the floor anyway). Wonder what I'll be doing tomorrow, moms buys all week with exams and the only place to walk around here is the mall so, more Sherlock Holmes I guess? Totally don't remember reading the story where he died too (well, I knew it happened, just don't recall reading it XD ), off to wiki I suppose (or tvtropes). Signing off!

anime, cat, sleeping, book, packing, ghost hound, organization, sherlock holmes

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