May 02, 2010 23:54

Whew, got moved out today and boy do I have a TON of stuff. More stuff than I moved in with, it multiplied faster than a group of trilobites (and when I said that to my dad he said that since I was making old school Star Trek references I clearly hadn't been studying, I protested considering how much studying I did for history alone). Seriously, it's amazing we got that all into a VW Golf and I have sworn to be less materialistic in the future. @_@ Been having a hard time finding room for half the stuff in my room too (mostly the containers but I've rearranged my arty stuff and I have a lot of it so I'm having space issues there as well). More work for tomorrow I guess, wow, it doesn't feel real that I'm home for three months now. It feels like this is another short vacation and then I'll be off by myself now, and again I'm having the "where is home" debate in my mind. Is this what college is like, constantly moving between two places and their of them being "yours"?
Got the new hats today at Mast and I guess I'll turn in now. Lonely already, none of my friends are near, my close ones rarely get online to chat with, and I've discovered that I prefer not to sleep by myself weirdly enough. But hey, I'll take any sleep tonight, the door and window were "talking" again last night and I was worried I was going to wake up and find the window either broken or the screen missing. And the bloody car alarm, god, thing was going off for multiple hours I think, Midnight is going to be a piece of cake to ignore after all of that.
Signing off, oh god, I don't want to fill out job applications again....

weather, job hunting, packing, windy, harry potter, vacation, star trek, traveling

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