Feburary the 8th: MORE winter weather?!?

Feb 08, 2010 23:09

I kid you not when I say that the local weather website's prediction for Tuesday and Wednesday is Blizzard.
So, not sure where my plans for the weekend stand (I think it's supposed to get better by Friday?!?) but this pretty much rules out my Wal-Mart trip. Crud, if I get home (and if not I'll just have to try again on the weekend) I am going to get to Jo Annes or something one way or another. Um, not sure what one way or another would be, the mall near my home has no fabric stores but if I tell my mom we might be able to work something out. Goddangit, I don't mind the snow, but I do mind back to back to back to back winter storms, and that's been the past two weeks for me. I think half the campus is leaving this weekend if they can, some people have been trying for two weeks now.
Gah, not a happy camper here (and like I always say, an example of how my simple plans go horribly wrong for reasons beyond my control, and my mom just says I need to make better plans...). And it's getting really hard to predict the weather more than three days out too, like, I won't know until Wednesday at least, more like Thursday, how the weather will be for the (hopeful) drive back Sunday, and that's the part I'm worried about. I think a lot of this is actually being blamed on an El Nino storm that is near Mississippi. Last time I checked El Nino was near say Chile, what the frack up with global warming?!?!
So, happy stuff time. I made my first print today in photography class and I don't have to alter it! No burning and dodging on this print (um, making areas of the print darker by exposing it even more, you use different methods for different areas/effects) so I'm happy. Not only because this means I don't need to use more print paper, but it almost means that my composition was pretty good and I don't have random objects in there that I need to mess with. And that's the thing, I have a pretty good eye for color and arrangements to start with, I do have an art background, so I'm even more annoyed at having to take Design Fundamentals !. I heard not one but TWO people today who were taking that class with TWO different teachers complain about it (well, I inquired after I learned they were taking the class, but no nudging was needed to hear their feelings on it). More determined than ever to get it out of the way over the summer.
I was also thinking, one thing I love about photography is that I'm arty AND allowed to be actually good at math. Well, let me rephrase that. There is a stereotype that the artsy/creative thinkers hate math and are bad at it, and I've seen a lot of people who fit it. But to me, well, math is simple. And I'm proud I can work out an equation super fast, but I get dismissed whenever people are bitching about math, like I'm an oddity. But you really need to know numbers and how they related to photography, so this is good for me! Plus, I'm actually in the technology department, tech=math/sciences. So it's times like these where I go "I don't care about the economy or money anymore, this just feels right." Even though I laugh when I realize I ended up with an artsy passion after all (and the voice in my mind goes "Duh, did you ever truly expect different?") I think this is really a good fit for me. I sure hope so anyway.
And as a final closing note, I was glancing at the bulletin board outside the library today and I saw a paper that said 42 on it. I looked closer, expecting it to be a Hitchhiker's reference, but lo and behold it was advertising the philosophy club, a club I was planning on seeing if it even existed next semester. Meeting on Wednesday at 6:30, as long as I can find the room I'll check it out, this may be what I need to stop feeling so depressed.
And now, signing off, who knows what'll be outside my window tomorrow!

club, art, photography, weather, black and white photography

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