October the 11th: Bleh, it's getting cold again

Oct 11, 2009 20:27

Not terribly cold yet but still getting chilly, starting to be glad that I live on the top floor of my dorm. Of course I'm not so glad about that when one of the elevators has been out of commission all weekend, 'least it should be working by tomorrow afternoon.
Anyway, stayed in my dorm today primarily, but I did do a little more exploring on the road behind us (well, up a big hill and behind us, we're on the edge of the valley Boone's in). There was a moment when I was up there, standing on the sidewalk, looking down the other side of the hill through the partially leaf-striped trees at a road down below with a few cars on it and I felt a strange combination of satisfaction and homesickness. I think I have been homesick for Cleveland all these years and just haven't admitted it, I loved that city so much. It's been just shy of seven years since I've been there and god I just miss it so much. I can't even tell you what it was but I grew up there from 7 to 12 years old, it just left a huge impression on me. And part of the reason I choose App was because the mountains reminded me of Cleveland. When the choice came down to either Wilmington or App, and Wilmington had the better Creative Writing program which I was looking at before, I decided that I would rather be in the mountains in the winter than the beach in the summer, and I'm glad of the choice. Actually, I'm having a hard time defining where my home is now, you would think that I would think home is back in the triad where everyone else is, but home feels more and more like my little dorm room that is away from the drama of home and close to friends. I feel so much happier now that I'm in control of my life, even if I still can't always manage to feed myself (note to self: do not buy cream of potato soup again, gah, feeding myself would be so much easier if the stove wasn't nine floors down). I am happy to go back for fall break but that's more along the lines of "OMG, I CAN BUY MANGA AND UNDERWEAR! And other stuff! And a Halloween party, yeah-ya!" I really feel like I just want to leave my family behind, I'm still not over the divorce, I still haven't come to terms with my brother, and I just feel like I still need to get away.
Wow that got depressing. Um, ahem, anyway, I think that this is the best place for me to be right now and don't regret moving out here, even though I really feel the need for a car at least twice a day. XD But going back will be good, like I said I need more underwear (how I came to college with only seven pairs I have no idea...), and while I'm over at Old Navy I can go to B&N right next door and pick up Letter Bee with the gift card I have and save even more with a coupon, and when my mom goes to work I can tag along, chill in the office for a bit and also head over to Adam's to get some new inking pens, also debating whether or not to pick some up in Sephia as well. And maybe we can go to Lowes so I can get some sticky hooks and duct tape, also need to pick up some Windex and more forks since I only have two and one of those goes AWOL pretty often. So yeah, I will come down with as little as I can bring and come back with a huge duffle bag filled with stuff (no really, I fit all my clothes, plus the huge divider thing I use for my undies, and two pairs of shoes and some other junk in this one duffle bag).
What else to say.... I actually stand a really good chance of getting my Sentret cosplay done by Saturday (a headband! I need that too, I should be able to find a cheap one in some store near me), between my weekly Project Runway dose (AKA, an hour of sewing, that show is awesome motivation) plus the Honey and Clover anime I found on Hulu (again, seeing college art students in action is amazing motivation) I'm nearly done. I need to finish up the pants (can be done tomorrow), and then sew the tail, already cut out the pieces and will pin together once I get the pants done and retrieve the pins from them. But I figured out last night that Ohkubo really did change the designs for Kim's new outfit so I need to get new patterns, hope I have enough white fabric, and pretty much start over there. Thankfully I can take the already cut fabric pieces and make that into the shirt for Echo, I literally need to make half a dozen white shirts/tops for cosplay this year, I really don't know why...
Oh and in honor of steam punk month (yes it's steampunk month! I guess this must be the first time or something since I hadn't really heard about it) I'm checking out Last Exile on crunchyroll. And it looks like I'll be doing my next anime review from a bus again. XD Well it's a three hour bus ride and I have 10 shows to review, sounds like a good use of my time...
Signing off!

app, sentret, steampunk, anime, manga, shopping, honey and clover, sewing, cosplay, letter bee, boone, cleveland, chilly, project runway, last exile

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