June the 12: Well, the car tried to die today...

Jun 12, 2009 19:03

... try being the keyword. Thankfully we still have a working car (god, we haven't had the money in years to replace the car, we would've done so if we had the money) and the gas gauge even works now! Since, um, November-ish, we've had to use the odometer to tell how much gas we have left, this is much less nerve wracking. And a good side effect of this was that I was unable to go to the mall today to go job hunting! Sure I filled out forms today, contacted Anne Taylor where I might have a chance, and found out that one of the stores is having interviews on Tuesdays starting the 23rd but that was all little work. Even though I haven't gotten a job yet and a lot of places aren't hiring I'm actually still finding open positions in a few places. My mom is suggesting that we try to find a temp agency for better luck, as long as it doesn't cost much I'm game
In other news I had my first bug encounter of the season. I was sitting on my bed last night, glance at my floor, and see something black and moving on it. Cue squealing, grabbing brother and flyswatter and then losing the bug. Was so worried the whole night of it climbing on my bed, actually slept under the covers all night. It wasn't a big one, only two or three inches, but big enough to be creepy. Now my mom had a bad experience. She was reading in bed and saw a bug on the ceiling. She declined the flyswatter since it was moving away and turns out the light. As soon as she turns it out she feels and hears it hit her covers. Throws off covers, turns back on the light, and shakes out the covers but she couldn't find it. That would creep me out so much....
Signing off, I wonder if we'll have another storm tonight, I have a headache that says so...

thunderstorm, bug, job hunting, headache, car

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