June the 10 and 11: Why does it always rain in the evening?

Jun 11, 2009 19:58

I swear, for the past two weeks it has rained in the evening almost half of those days. And usually it's a thunderstorm too which means that I have to wait hours to shower. Grumble, it's either shower at 7 or wait until 10:30 and shower, and I really want to get to bed earlier than 10:30! Man, we are just getting sooo much water too, it's all humid and I had better check the basement again for flooding soon...
Anyway, not much to say. I'm almost done with Horo ears 2.0 (they look MUCH better this time since I sewed the fabric parts together instead of trying to hot glue it all together) and I think I'll try to alter Amu's jacket next. Then work on Kobato's shirt, and then I'll try making some stuff out of my red fabric, maybe Shiki's top and Christie's vest. I should be heading up to Maryland next week for a family get together (my mother's side so this is the side that actually has cousins I like) so that'll be nice. What's also nice is that I've only got 13 more episodes of Full Moon left! Wow, that's like a whole season isn't it? But the point is that I can finally see the end, wohoo! Oh and it looks like CR ended it's subscription contest so no subbie for me. I'll have to keep watching for more Shugo Chara but ah well, I can live with that.
Well, gonna go and keep watching anime. Oh, and I think facebook hates me, it caused Safari to quit on me three times today! Grr grr grr, evil evil evil, get some more servers dangit, you're already slow as heck as well! Signing off!

thunderstorm, the world ends with you, spice and wolf, humid, shugo chara, cosplay, facebook, drama con, full moon

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