March the 17: "It's a religious holiday centered around bars!"

Mar 17, 2009 18:39

^^ That is one of the few good quotes I have heard from radio, frankly I like my radio to be playing music, not a bunch of talking head. Anyway, happy St Paddies Day, hope y'all are wearing green! It's kinda funny how almost everyone at my school wears green, I know we're Catholic and all, but it's still amusing. My mom said that she nearly started giggling when she saw how many of her students were wearing green today.
Gack, gotta go, curse you anime that takes up too much of my computer time!
... and curse you sensitive taste buds, why can I not enjoy my mild Mexican food?!?
Signing off!
Oh, and the weird icon is not weird anymore. Good thing too, that was creepy!

holiday, mexican, food

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