March the 16: I am a bad Latin student...

Mar 16, 2009 19:29

...I forgot that yesterday was the Ides of March. Argh *headwall* I can't believe I forgot! I put it in my planner and everything... the funny thing is that I really don't like that play either, I have a strong dislike of Shakespeare, and Caesar's writings are hard to understand as well. Like, really hard, the sentences are too long, the verbs are in weird places, he uses the subjunctive way too often... Plus my next Latin project (draw a map of Gaul) is on plan three now. Plan one was use the art teacher's projector, plan two was use my math teacher's projector, plan THREE is to use my history teacher's projector, I think this one might work (since I suck at cartography I plan to trace the map I already have, however, none of the projectors have been strong enough for me yet).
Other than that, dentist today, no fillings or new sealant needed, yay! Also finished sewing my Shiki jacket, the sewing machine was surprisingly complacent today, I don't trust it. Also made a number of new Natsume Yujincho motivational posters, that show has so many poster perfect moments.
Well, gotta go, we found a patch so my brother's old Sims games should work on the computer now and he's really anxious to try them out. Signing off!

EDIT: O_O I think something strange might've happened to my icons, better go check....

art, latin, map, computer, the world ends with you, brother, sewing, history, cosplay, school, natsume yujincho, project, math

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