Mar 04, 2009 19:12
My horoscope today:
"Your love life is on fire -- in a good way, of course! If you're single and don't see any prospects, you just need to turn around to see the right person and while it might be a challenge, it's worth it!"
I sort of feel like for once it's sort of true...there seems to be possibilities lately, like I've said. Only two that feel plausible. But I probably shouldn't say plausible...there's the fact that I'm graduating and moving soon, and we're all fairly shy, and it would all seem a bit pointless now. There's also that one has a girlfriend. Oops. But we all know me-I always like a man better if he's already taken. As if a man has to prove he would leave another girl for me. Or prove that I'm strong enough to make him stray. I know it's supposed to mean something else-I know it's supposed to mean he'll just cheat on me eventually. But cheating usually isn't something that I get my panties in a knot about, anyway. People, they cheat. Get over it.
Still, I find myself noticing how much I want to see him, how disappointed I am when he leaves before I expect him to, or doesn't show up at the times he should-and this applies to both guys, but maybe more one than the other 'cause I get more interaction with him and he seems less shy, maybe. But so far they've both switched favorites in my mind. Hm....I'm sure both will pass out without much happening, but the idea of it is still sort of fun, and I'll be happy to be a bit tickled by their presence for as long as possible.