Mar 23, 2008 16:42
I, Roscoe Mathieu, do solemnly swaer to a thirty-day challenge, commencing this March 23, 2008 and ending on April 23, 2008.
1. The requirements of this challenge shall be: to write 1,000 words on any single work of prose or poetry per day ("London's Law"). Should the work be finished, the day's remaining wordcount shall be spent on any other single work. Automatic writing, or freewriting, does not for these purposes count as a 'work.'
2. The prize of this challenge shall be: A reader's excursion to any all-you-can-eat restaurant of choice OR an open tab and a warm bed for a night out.
If a flawless victory (30,000 words, or more, total), both.
3. The restrictions of this challenge shall be: at one day's shortfall (500 words or less), five dollars, i cash, into savings and one day without electronics (excluding CD player and cellular phone). The day of observance, London's Law may be undertake by longhand or typewriter.
At two days' shortfall (two consecutive days as above), twenty dollars, in cash, into savings and one day without electronics (excluding cellular phone ONLY). London's Law carried out as above.
At three days' shortfall (three consecutive days as above), fifty dollars, in cash, into the "China debt" and the dissolution of this contract.
So say we all, this Twenty-third day of March, Anno Domini Two-thousand and eight.
Jack London wrote 1000 words a day, while wooing two wives, raising two daughters, stumping for socialism, building a Big Sur retreat, crossing the Yukon, sailing the south seas, and covering the Russo-Japanese War for Hearst. I want to get into the habit.
And, yes, I realize March has 31 days. "30-Day Challenge" is a figure of speech.