Feb 20, 2005 18:08
whew, it's been a long while... many things have changed.
Fired from Zingerman's Deli two weeks ago. Fuck that place. I worked really hard, and because of one minor slip of the tongue when I was having a really bad day, they let me go.... Very strict customer service policy. Oh well, I was falling apart from working too many hours anyway.
Still quasi-dating Cassie... I'm not feeling so jealous, but still don't feel secure. She seems to like me a lot, but not as much as I like her, which is more every time I see her. I told her I loved her about a month ago, and I think I basically gave her carte blanche (sp?) to treat me as she likes, which is generally very nicely, but you'd think I'd have learned by now not to get so attached to someone. Regardless, she tells me quite often that she likes me a lot, so I'm just gonna enjoy myself for now, and maybe one of these days things'll change... I don't really understand her, or any women really...
This weekend has been unbelievably amazing though, all sorts of folk came out of the woodwork to visit Alma while I've been here, folks I haven't seen in forever, and it really has made things great. Cassie's had me laughing nearly non-stop and I'm getting along quite well with everyone, although there are some friends of mine around who seem somewhat down, and that's a little worrisome to me... I wish I could share some of the extra joy I have, pass it on.
There's not much else in the way of news, kinda looking for a new job, applied at a sex-toy shop and some kind of activist position for GLBT rights, but not really for anything else... I just kinda slipped into a depressed sleep after getting fired, and wasn't very communicative with anyone... Visited Brandon a lot, which is fun, but isn't really the best for getting out of depressed funks. He keeps me too stoned to sort anything out in my life, and I tend to focus more on his problems than my own while I'm hanging out with him... But it at least kept me from being too down, just kept me unmotivated. This weekend though ought to have been revitalizing enough that when I return to home I will have all the energy and zip I need to get a new job and move on with my life. I was planning on leaving today, but there's a ridiculous blizzard going on right now, dropped about a foot of snow in the past 8 hours around here... it's petering out now, so maybe I'll leave soon, but it's getting dark, and the lure of cuddling with Cassie is always a difficult thing to give up.
Anyway, I oughtta get going, because I don't much like typing these while other people are watching, but I'll try and keep this updated more frequently.