instrumentalike: let me interrupt you for a minute
instrumentalike: we just had a christmas miiracle
instrumentalike: mom's crying and everything
wanderbyy: o.0
wanderbyy: wus' going on?
instrumentalike: mom just left for the grocery store a while ago this morning right? just before she left, she put some money papa gave her in her little change purse. keep in mind she was able to close her purse
instrumentalike: when she got to the check out counter to pay, the change purse was openish and inside was an extra $500 dollars plus a cross
instrumentalike: and there was no way for anybody to slip that in there without her knowing it
(Edit: Talked to Mom, myself, and she told me the story. She put 12 dollars into her change purse and closed it up. At the cash register, she pulled the purse out (still closed, from what she said) opened it and ....there was 500 dollars and a rosary crucifix stuffed inside...and she couldn't reclose it. She went home and they tried for several minutes to try and get it closed again with everything inside and couldn't do it.)
Our family's finances have been circling the drain for the last several years. It had finally gotten to the point that Mom sat us down and told us that Christmas was going to be tight, with only a small present each. We, of course, said we totally understood and that the holidays were supposed to be about something more than that, anyway. (I still felt bad because I knew this was Mom's favorite part of the year and I understood the love of treasure hunting for perfect presents and watching some one open them)
Mom has always said, as long as you pray, as long as you give to others and will be taken care of. Money and necessities will find their way to you as you really need them, somehow. That could be through a bonus at work, a windfall in a contest, or just being somewhere at the exact right time.
Or I guess, sometimes, it can just be there.