Nov 10, 2005 03:14
I'm not gonna tell you anything... Ok maybe something to get you interested.
Talk about an incredible life story... I know, I know Hollywood takes life stories, exagerates and takes them to a new degree. But the basics behind this story scream through, distinguishing themselves from something that could be any less than life itself.
Lords of Dogtown tells the story of three kids who took skateboarding to a new level. Don't look it up. Don't find out who they are! I'm not kidding on this one. I am not gonna tell you the whole last names of these people for one simple reason: It didn't dawn on me until the end of the movie who these amazing people are! I mean OMG I grew up IDOLIZING some of these guys.
Hell, I knew NOTHING about surfing, and none of my skater friends did, BUT OMG WE KNOW WHO JAY IS!(last name excluded for a reason, see the movie!) You may not yet, but if you were at all involved in ANYTHING with wheels or boards YOU KNOW WHO JAY IS! If you don't thats fine. But Tony (not hawk but close!) and Stacy?!
If you had never heard those names, and you were a "skater," than you would have been instantly labeled "POSER" back in the day! Or perhaps it just hasn't dawned on you yet, like it didn't for me until the end of the movie when to-date-updates revealed LAST NAMES!
And there is one hero that I had never met, but he is the true hero of this movie! His name is Sid, and he can't skate...
It has the feel of an Indy film, but Columbia and TriStar were behind this one and well way to go people!
Special Guest Stars in this movie:
Heath Ledger (Not listed as a main character in this movie, but honestly why not?! And talk about one helluva performance! We knew you were awesome in Knight's Tale, but I was blown away!)
Johnny Knoxville (He is funny the first time you see him! I shouldn't have told you about him because it was more fun to not have known in advance, but whatever.)
Tony Hawk (I don't care who you are, you know who he is and you know what he does! And for those of us that watched him pull off the first 900 EVER at the XGAMES... omg talk about emotional! How many times did he try it? Like 20?! Hell after he fell the first time and didn't give up, the competition didn't even matter anymore (And not just any competition but THE XGAMES!) And finally, dog-tired, pulls off the FIRST EVER RECORDED 900! Plus he is just cool... and this movie reminds you of how he laughs at his own fame!)