(no subject)

Jun 11, 2011 10:31


Through the Flames is a new community for sufferers of mental health problems, or their family/ friends/ significant other, designed to act as a support group.

Sometimes, for no reason and through no fault of anyone, life sucks and we all need to let off steam, vent and rant about what's pissed us off.

Through the Flames offers a place where people can come - regardless of race, nationality, gender, social class or sexuality - to talk to other like-minded people, who may have experienced something similar themselves.

So please, if you suffer from mental health problems, or know someone who does, come along and check out the community. And remember to spread the word, too. More members mean more shared experiences.

“All I have to offer you are my ears for listening and my shoulder for you to cry on. I consider us all blessed, for we are given two of each so that we may help others, just as we have helped you.”

through the flames community promotion

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