Hey y'all,
Man I can't seem to stop posting today! *hehe*
kazzy24 does a writing challenge every week, and I had a few spare minutes today, so I decided to give it ago. For the full rules, see
This is the quick drabble I came up with.
For the past few weeks, I've been exchaning notes with a guy on Twitter. From the pictures he's sent me, he looks pretty cute, but its unbelievable that everyone looks exactly like their profile pics. As long as he isn't a wrinkly old dinosaur, though, I'll be pleased.
We're meeting tonight for a 'date', though I refuse to call it a 'date'. Its more like a pre-date audition. As long as he doesn't do anything stupid, though, it'll be fine and I'm sure we'll get to the 'real' date.
He's already made a promise that tonight's meeting will be all about enjoyment. We'll go out for an expensive meal; paid for by him, and then to a club for some dancing.
I'm pretty confident its going to be a good night, by the sounds of it, he's been reading all the relationship textbooks.
Well, its seven o'clock, and he'll be here in a hour, so I best jump in the shower!
Wish me luck!!
Right, I best finish off dinner now.
Laters, Taters!!