Oct 23, 2007 06:55
i hate boys. i hate life. and i hate myslef! i so FUCKING depressed. AHHHHHHHHH. sweats today...definatly. im fugly as FUCK. and pissed. btw. thts DEF. NOT my real pic. ima fugly ass mixed bitch. with a big ass head and a huge ass. that will NEVER FUCKING go away. i weighed myself today and i definatly gained. im 12[fucking]9 now and im pissed. and the boys tht i like just make me hate myself more...and it pisses me off. they jus don't like me. faggots. grr i only see u as my frind sooo. well i only see them as a FUCKING ASSWHOLE. stupid cunts they can suck my dick (if i had one) errr im SO PISSED. fuck the world and fuck everyone. GAHHHH DAMNIT FUCK SHIT ASSS FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK>bye