This is a 90% video post.
After subbing the "
Big Brother, G8" sketch with
lemiru , I thought I'd check if any Portuguese comedy group had come up with sketches that had to do with Europe.
All sketches are from a group which call themselves "The Contemporaries" and they're precious <3
1) Fighting Abstention in the European Elections
Let's start with a general sketch where I don't have to introduce any character~
Click to view
Regarding Idea 3, maybe I have to explain it a little.
When you go to a beach in Portugal, mainly in the months of July/August, it's not very hard to find one of these men who stroll around in the beach, screaming. The tone of voice is exactly the same, the only difference is that they don't carry a voting booth but a "fridge" where they sell Berliner (with or without cream) or "
American cookie".
Like this guy is doing here.
2) "The Pest" in Europe
"The Pest" is a character which exists in this show and all of his sketches are him being some sort of "nagging consciousness" and always telling everyone to get a job. No matter who, he always says that.
The critique is harsh in this one, but please see it as a comedy sketch.
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He's talking jibberish in the Ukrainian part, and then he's speaking Spanish and French in the other two. Ok, insta!Spanish and insta!French (that's why I went with the Portuguese subtitles to translate it to English)
3) The Panisgas (Italians, Turks and Swedish)
Oh, these guys~
Ok, better put your volume down a bit here. These two characters call themselves the "Panisgas" and they always talk like this in their sketches. Panisgas doesn't mean anything at all, it's just a silly word they came up with. They also thend to "panisguise" everything, aka they use it as an adverb/adjective/whatever...
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I don't even know why I attempted to translate this XD
They don't speak in correct Italian, naturally. It's insta!Italian 8D In the Turkish and Swedish part it's 100% jibberish.
This is how Porty sees dem Italians :3
4) Robbery Service
Not really "Europe" related, but as we're going through such a difficult crisis now, Portugal would like to suggest methods to diminish crime rate.
Click to view
This is Port's attitude at work if he's in a bad mood, btw. And that happens quite a bit every now and then...
I hope you enjoyed them C:
Now for something completely different~
Unfortunately I don't have Milla's kawaii drawing abilities, but I'd like to follow her steps in the anthem prompt she started at
eurotalia So you may see Porty's anthem too:
Heróis do mar, nobre povo,
Nação valente, imortal,
Levantai hoje de novo
O esplendor de Portugal!
Entre as brumas da memória,
Ó Pátria, sente-se a voz
Dos teus egrégios avós,
Que há-de guiar-te à vitória!
Às armas, às armas!
Sobre a terra, sobre o mar,
Às armas, às armas!
Pela Pátria lutar!
Contra os canhões, marchar, marchar!
Desfralda a invicta Bandeira,
À luz viva do teu céu!
Brade a Europa à terra inteira:
Portugal não pereceu
Beija o solo teu jucundo
O Oceano, a rugir d'amor,
E teu braço vencedor
Deu mundos novos ao Mundo!
Saudai o Sol que desponta
Sobre um ridente porvir;
Seja o eco de uma afronta
O sinal do ressurgir.
Raios dessa aurora forte
São como beijos de mãe,
Que nos guardam, nos sustêm,
Contra as injúrias da sorte.Heroes of the sea, noble people,
Brave, immortal nation,
Raise today once again
The splendour of Portugal!
Amid the mists of memory,
Oh Fatherland, feel the voice
Of your distinguished forefathers,
That shall lead you to victory!
To arms, to arms!
On land, on sea,
To arms, to arms!
To fight for our Fatherland!
Against the cannons, march, march!
Hoist the undefeated Flag,
In the lively light of your sky!
May Europe cry out to the whole Earth:
Portugal has not perished
Kiss your merry ground
The Ocean, roaring with love,
And your victorious arm
Gave new worlds to the World!
Salute the Sun that rises
Over a gleeful future;
Let the echo of an offense
Be the sign for a comeback.
Rays of this strong dawn
Are like a mother's kisses,
That keep us, sustain us,
Against the injuries of fate.
We usually just sing the first stanza and the chorus (what's in bold/italic) but the rest of the poem shouldn't be left out.
A little tiny itsy-bitsy fact about our anthem:
It was written exactly on the night after the British Ultimatum was "accepted". Where it now reads "Against the cannons, march, march!" was originally "Against the Britons, march, march!" which was a call to arms against the Ultimatum.
Therefore, thanks to Portugal deciding to come up with his anthem while he was hot-headed, enraged about Britain's move (so vexed that he even took France's La Marseillaise as inspiration), every time you sing that specific line in the anthem, your mind always remembers how it was originally... and so you always end up thinking of England whether you want it or not.
...and this is how important England is to us and how much it hurt...
Ports, we are good at dragging things on. ... and on... and oooooooooooooooooon......................
If you want more info about it, here's the
wiki link.
And done~
Thank you for your time.
BBL, out conquering.
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